Across the threshold: My name is Voidmond 05
Getting up to his feet and wincing, Bakore felt his head and felt a throbbing pain in his skull. Turning around he saw that he landed at "Where am I?" He asked as turned to see Vandrin and Binn stared at him, causing him jump back a bit. "What the Heck are you three!?" "We are the Bloodhound Squad." Vandrin explained turning back into a sirian, "We're here to assist you on your mission for the Requiem items." "Okay, why were you a snake?" Bakore asked. "It's a complicated process." Vandrin stated crossing his arms as Binn undid his transformation. "Unfortunately the information is currently classified." "Yo!" Voidmond called out as he and Tarrot emerged from the room they disappeared into a few minutes ago. Bakore then walked up to Voidmond and was about to give him out the newcomer when Tarrot held his hand out, saying, "We need to get to Verdtrus immediately." "But" Bakore started, but Tarrot grabbed his shoulder, saying, "Let's move, your body is not in fighting shape anyways!" Watching Tarrot drapped Bakore's arm over his shoulder, Voidmond turned to Vandrin and Binn, commenting to himself, "These two could be troublesome, even if they are just following orders. Whelp, now it's time I meet with Verdtrus."Entering the bridge, the three humonculi and two Red Dragon soldiers found the Knights missing, Chromdraco, Verdtrus, and Eithine together. "Verdtrus." Tarrot called out, catching the trio's attention, "Where's Omni and the others." Suddenly as if in answer, an explosion rocked the ship, causing Verdtru to answer, "There's an intruder on the ship. Omnidec and the others are dealing with it." Tarrot handed Bakore over to Chromdraco and asked Verdtrus, "Do you need me to help?" Verdtrus crossed his arms and said, "It would be overkill, but go anyway, they may need your help!" "I'll go!" a voice rang out causing the group to turn to see Kaiser in the doorway. "I came to report something but I heard something about an intruder, maybe I can help." "You must be Kaiser," Verdtrus said, "I heard of fallen comrade and my condolences to him." "Yeah," Kaiser said turning to Chromdraco, "friends are in short supply are they?" "I'm afraid so," Verdtrus answered "but you said you can help?" "Yeah, I can take out that intruder in no time flat!" Kaiser answered raising a silver belt, "Just give the word and I will be on the hunt." "Fine!" Eithine said, "It'll give us more data to improve the X-Injector. The intruder entered through the side hatch near the bridge on a hoer craft, cameras show that the intruder is a garuda in yellow armor armed with a crossbow." "That bird guy?" Tarrot said to himself, "Must be mad about the hospital raid on Caleum earlier this week. Punched a hole in his hovercraft." "Hospital?" Eithine asked. "I thought you were supposed to find the Noas necklace." "We had to retrieve a colleague for personal purposes, so I sent half of the team to serve as a distraction to the CPDF to draw attention away." "And that only cemented us as criminals in the public eye!" Chromdraco pointed out much to Verdtus's chagrin, "If we didn't cause such mayhem all across the planet, we wouldn't be here in the first place!" "It seemed like a success at the time." Bakore stated as Kaiser began to move outside. "A success!?" Chromdraco said, "You attacked innocent people!" Noticing Kaiser's absence, Voidmond walked up to the ceasarian and asked, "Say, Kaiser was it? Where did you get that belt?" Kaiser, turning back and grinned, saying, "Trade secret!"
Inside the Grendel, kicking through the door, Chase stumbled into what appears to be a hangar with ships docked on the . "Where's that bridge?" Suddenly a hum rang through the air causing Chase to look up to notice a ticked off Tavo flying into his way. Chase ducked before Tavo could kill him and tried to shoot at the strange dragon like entity only to miss in the process. "Shoot!" Chase said reloading his weapon, "You're a fast one are you?" "It helps in catching pigeons like YOU!" Tavo said before lunging at the Garuda. Dodging to the left Chase fired upon Tavo, tearing bits of his body off immediately before they instantaneously heal up. Chase, seeing this, cursed and rushed towards dodged out of the way before Tavo charged at him again. Regaining his footing, Tavo exclaimed "On my family's honor, you will fall!" Getting up Chase fired at Tavo but the wounds healed as soon as they healed. "Fire at me all you WANT! My body can tank anything you can throw at me!" Tavo called out mockingly, "Thanks to Black Hermit and the Red Dragon army, I am invincible!" Chase roared and charged at Tavo, summoning a G saber. Colliding his saber with Tavo's claws, Chase exclaimed, "As long as I live you will never harm another city again!" "If we win," Tavo said gritting his teeth "all of our worlds will finally be at peace! For that I will continue for the sake of the people of Terra Area!" Chase blinked saying, "Terra Aera!?" Tavo, seeing an opening, Punched Chase square in the face so hard, the right glass visor shattered as he flew onto the ground. Walking up to Chase, Tavo ranted "Your sort always irradiated me! Your country is always making claim to be the best of the best, that your military will defend the people to the end. Where were you when Terra Aera fell?" Chase, getting up to his arms, said, "That's a lot coming from a hypocrite!" Tavo then growled "FINE! TAKE THIS!" and in his maw, a strange blue light flickered inside. Chase then spun around revealing his eye under his cracked visor, catching Tavo off guard and causing him to discharge his blast early, blowing a hole in the wall.
A few moments earlier at the bridge, Verdtrus, Chrodraco and Eithine watched as Tavo coughed as Chase got up. "Alright, we found him!" Chromdraco said, "Can you call off your goon so you teleport him outside?" "I can't!" Eithine stated turning to the draken, "You need to be in the teleportation bay in order to teleport in and out of the ship!" Suddenly a second explosion rocked the ship causing the three to fall to the floor, "What was that!?" Verdtrus demanded, using the terminal to help himself up. Helping Eithine up, Chromdraco stated, "We were hit, that's what!" Suddenly a ship passed by the windscreen outside. "SHOOT!" Eithine exclaimed, "We need to get out of here now!" "What the heck is hitting us?" Verdtrus demanded and looking outside he found his answer. Outside were a small squad of fighters, each colored black, bright blue and green. "What the (censored) are those!?" Verdtrus demanded. "They're fighters!" Eithine explained, "We need to leave now!" Eithine then ran to the terminal and pulled out a com saying "All hands on deck we are going to jump, I repeat, WE ARE GOING TO JUMP!" In the ship's med bay, Bakore, like the others, felt the explosion and quickly turned to Binn, who immediately gripped the desk nearby, and called out "HEY! What's going on out there!?" "I don't know!" Binn answered "But you better hold on to something!" Back in the hangar room, Chase got up and demanded "What the!? Is this ship turning!?" Tavo answered by immediately kicked Chase out of the hole in the wall. As he fell from the sky Chase quickly summoned his hovercraft and it caught him in the air. Watching the Grendel Chase saw the ship glow and in a bright flash flew into the horizon with incredible speed, destroying several ships in the process. "Son of a gun!" Chase said.
"They jumped!?" Chipp exclaimed, as Scott crossed his arms. It was a few minutes later when Chipp and the others had finally arrived. Chipp, Scott, and Katie were with the commissioner as the others worked with the police. "Yeah," Scott said "However, we can still track them. The tracking chip is still active." "And what if they find it?" Katie pointed out, "If the Red Dragon army created the Knights' equipment, what if they find it when they repair it?" "They are currently on the run now," Scott explained, " so they aren't as likely to make any repairs, plus Chase blew a hole in the so they may damage their ship even more. For now we just have to hope that they won't find anything in the meantime." Turning to the commissioner, Chipp asked, "What will happen to the people when we finish up here?" "Honestly it will be a while before the residents return. The lower levels are trashed and the phone lines are ruined so the residents will have to stay with friends and family." "Sorry about the damages." Scott said, "We had to deal with multiple threats." "I promise you," Chipp said, "we will catch the ones responsible." Mordecai and Louise sat on the rim of an ambulance like vehicle when Chase walked up to them with water bottles in hand. "You alright?" Chase asked catching their attention. "Oh yes, wait you're that officer from earlier this week." "It was three days ago." Chase said, sitting down and handed Mordecai one of the bottles, "You thirsty?" "Yeah." Mordecai said grabbing the bottle, "What brings you here?" "To save you guys supposedly," Chase explained, "the police had received a call for help. Figured you guys had something to do with it." Mordecai looked at Louise confused as the garuda continued, "Sorry about earlier, I was dealing with some baggage that day." Turning to Chase, Mordecai pulled out the F.U.Z.O.R. Voidmond gave him earlier. "Say," Mordercai said showing the item to Chase, "when I was held by the knights, the leader Verdtrus wanted me to complete this device." Seeing the device, Chase's eyes widened and asked, "Where did you get that?" "One of the knights tossed it to me before he disappeared." Mordecai explained, "He said he was going to get rid of the Red Dragon." In the dropship, Hoot sat in front of a monitor with Matt leaning on his shoulder. "Matt!" Chipp called out as he and Katie walked in through the hangar door, "What's the situation on the tracking chip?" Turning, Matt answered, "The good news is that it's still active." "Alright good," Chipp said, "the bad news?"
Meanwhile on a beach near the coasts of a archipelago in North Atlatia territory...
The sun kissed the evening sky as a masked figure dressed in a green overcoat walked down the beach, sun glistening on his armor. Watching each step through the slits, the figure continued down on the beach before a loud boom and a flash to the left, caused him to stop. Turning to the left the figure saw the Grendel in the sky. Pulling out a comm, the masked figure called "Hey Blueacon? We might have a problem. Yes, get everyone! Bucket head Clay out!"TO BE CONTINUED....
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