Across the threshold: Tickling the Dragon's tail 01

Across the threshold: Tickling the Dragon's tail 01

"Come on!" Chase said as he, Louise and walked towards the drop ship parked outside the parking lot, "Look, I'm not sure if what your saying makes sense, but I think Chipp needs to hear this, even if he is hair brained." "Wait so this guy is your leader?" Mordecai asked. Suddenly a voice rang out from the, "They are in SOUTH Atlantia!?" "Yes, unfortunately." Chase answered "Yeah yeah geez!" Hoot said as he Katie and Matt covered their ears, "You don't have to scream in our ears!" "Sorry," Chipp said before noticing Chase entering with the two former hostages, "Oh hey there, sorry about that. We were in a middle of a discussion. My name is Chipp, you must be Mordecai I presume?" "Yes. Wait, you're that red guy that held a gun to Verdtrus' face two days ago." "From the way I remember it, I was the one dealing with Verdtrus." Mordecai with the group turned to see Beo behind them and quickly pulled out the F.U.Z.O.R. The others, startled the device moved their hands to their guns before Louise said, "Wait Mordecai stop!" catching the Draken's attention. Noticing the device Beo said, "Wait, that device, that was the F.U.Z.O.R. prototype wasn't it?" Turning to Beo, Mordecai's pupils turned into diamonds as he stood in front of Louise in a protective stance asking "Why are you here?" "Is that how you greet a fellow draken?" Beo asked before Chase quickly snapped to Chipp demanding, "Chipp, what the (censored) is he doing here?" "It's a long story." Chipp before explaining what happened back in the sub HQ.

Ten minutes ago...

In sub head quarters, Chipp opened the box from Gatemakers and pulled out the metal container from within. Chipp took a deep breath and pulled out a strip of paper from the box. "Chippy."  Chipp turned to see Bartch who said, "We're ready to mobilize." "Good!" Chipp said, opening the container "We need one of these just in case." Chipp pulled out a wrapped parcel. Unwrapping it, Chipp pulled out a small gun and a belt buckle. "I thought they were sending an adapter." Chipp said. Looking at it Bartch pointed out "It could be a new model." Taking a closer look at the belt he noticed a device similar to an Armory Bracer. "Hey monkey man!" a voice called out catching their attention. Entering through the doorway Beo holding his F.U.Z.O.R. "If your dealing with NULL Units, then you better bring someone who knows what they are dealing with," "I thought we confiscated that." Chipp said. "You did but my F.U.Z.O.R. always comes to me whenever I need it." Beo said, "Not sure how though." Suddenly Matt screamed down the hall "GUYS! THERE'S A FIRE IN THE EVIDENCE ROOM!" Turning to Beo, Chipp turned to the draken who said, "Ok, that happens sometimes, I swear it doesn't happen every time!" "Riiiiight!" Chip said, eyes squinting, "What do you want?" "I want to to come with you." Beo answered, "I have the most experience in dealing with these 'Requiem Knights' and what makes each of them tick." "I understand," Chipp explained, "but how can trust you when you attacked my team mates?" "That was my fluke and I apologize for that I took the opportunity to study their blueprints and I found something you might want to know, their weakness."

"Weakness?" Chipp asked as he, Bartch, and Beo walked down the hall, "Like what?" "Originally they were built to be soldiers that harnessed requiem energy, something our scientists found before Verdian happened." Beo stated, "The problem is that Requiem energy is that it tends to stick with organic matter for some reason, hence why they they have synthetic skin and organs, rob them of their energy then they'll putter out." "This requiem energy," Bartch asked, "It's what powers the chips we've been collecting through our fights isn't it?" "Yep." Beo said before double taking, "Wait, you've been collecting them?" "Yes," Chipp answered, "they have been using them to summon monsters just like the two figures that were in detainment. You said that these people used to be scouts, but it seems to me that they are more than that. Beo, what exactly are they really?" "I told you, they are androids, I have no idea why they are acting this way. Maybe Verdtrus had something to do with it. I don't know!" "Why do you want to join in?" Chipp asked. "I just want to do my job that's all." Beo stated, "And from the looks of it, your men are outnumbered are they?" Chipp looked at him for a few minutes, and after looking at Bartch, he turned back and stated "Fine. You can come, but I'll keep an eye on you."

As the ship flew back to New Forma, Mordecai stared at Beo, his eyes slitted. Beo then grinned at him saying "Don't worry I won't go after your girlfriend." "She's my friend." Mordecai corrected. In the front cockpit, Chipp, Chase, and Katie sat. Chase asked Chipp "You sure if bringing him was a good idea?" "There was an entire battle ship over you, anything could have happened. Besides he's a source of information that we need." Next to Chase, Katie sat next to him "True," Katie said, Chase turned to the two Draken and, "but so is Mordecai. You saw how he reacted to Beo, I think we need to keep them apart for now until we hear everything." "Sure." Chipp said, "We need to talk with Karka anyway." "Chase," Chipp asked, "can I trust you to watch Beo." "Yeah," Chase answered, "You can count on me."


"When are we going to land?" Tavo demanded before Vandrin punched him in the shoulder. "What!?" Tavo demanded as Eithine rose up from the hole made by Tavo's breath attack. "How bad is it?" Verdtrus asked as Chromdraco and Voidmond flank him on each side. Taking a deep breath, Eithine turned to Verdtrus saying "It's bad, very bad. Tavo's attack blew a hole in the ship, thankfully  Don't worry, we're where we need to be." "Eithine, where the (censored) are we!?" Chromdraco asked. "Near the border near the Atlantian continents," Eithine answered, "As long as we don't cross the border, we should be able to find a repair bay somewhere in the mainland." "Is that right?" Omnidec asked as he, Twin Drake, and Tarrot entered through the door in their civilian forms. "Bakore's recovering in the med bay with Flip and that fish guy. Not sure where Tameron and Flareon are though." "I may have a theory." Twin drake said to himself before stating, "Bakore's metamorpher is trashed. Can you repair it?" "Yes ,I think we can. " Eithine said pulling out a gun and handed it to Omnidec saying, "Here, you might need this." "What is this?" Omnidec asked. "It's the latest in our milita's technology, the Hades 001. It will be useful for you in battle." "Thanks?" Omnidec said, "What about this ring you mentioned earlier?" "It's the ring of Solomus, one of the more powerful pieces of the requiem items. It grants the user the ability to-" "GET DOWN!" Verdtrus shouted, tackling both Eithine and Omnidec to the ground before a beam of energy shot through the hole, blowing up a wall inside. "We're under attack!" Tarrot called out. "NO (CENSORED)!" Twin Drake responded before Vandrin and Tavo switched to their monster-like form. "What do you see?" Vandrin asked. Seeing a shuttle in the distance, Tavo said, pointing to the spot in the trees. "There! In the trees!" Getting up the Tarrot and Twin Drake transformed and joined the two transformed agents and all five opened fire upon the spot Tavo pointed to.

Suddenly a small ship flew up into the air. As the ship flew away towards the border, Twin drake asked, "What the heck was that!?" "Must be the local milita." Eithine answered as the four turned to her, "We need to get away from the border as soon as possible." Omnidec, also getting up noticed the wound on Verdtrus's back. "Guys!" Omnidec said, "Verdtrus!" "Get him to the medical room!" Eithine ordered. Immediately Chromdraco picked up Verdtrus saying, "Hey! Don't worry Kilroy, I got you!" "Let me help!" Tarrot stated grabbing an arm. As they carried Verdtrus away, Omnidec asked, "We need to get out of here! any ideas?" Looking at the humonculi, Eithine answered "Let's just leave the border. We're sitting ducks here."

