Across the threshold: Court of 21 03
Back at the buckethead base, Hoot and Primo stared at the empty area where Katie, Bartch and Matt used to be. Suddenly Hoot cursed, exclaiming, "Those (censored)s have Katie and the others!" "Hey keep your voice down!" Primo said pointing inside, "The kids will hear you!" "Why is your base in an orphanage!?" "It's a daycare!" Primo corrected quietly, "It's are for the younger orphans who live down the street! Besides why didn't you transform like the others?" "*groan* It's because my armorizer was broken 2 weeks ago!" Hoot exclaimed putting his hands to his head, before something hit him, "wait, do you have a radar or something?"Now....
"Oh, you three," 21 growled, grabbing his arm, "forgot about you." "Guys!" Matt exclaimed, "What took you so long?" "Remember the armorizor tracking system?" Hoot said, "It's pretty useful." The armorizers have a built in tracking system when agents are on patrol though it is not known by a lot of agents. "Tracking system?" 21 exclaimed before turning from Katie and Matt who were sitting there to the machete on the ground. Growling 21 spun around and rushed for the machete when a series of blaster shots from Primo's gun sent it flying. "Stand down!" Primo ordered walking forward, "Don't make me shoot you Rian!" "Wait!" Eric called out, causing all to turn to the catira. "We'll leave!" "You idiot." Kaiser muttered his helmet as he got up, "What are you doing?" "Wind Talker!" 21 exclaimed, "What the heck are you doing!? Kill the interlopers now!" 'There's something in his eyes.' Katie thought as she and Matt got up, 'He's being serious!' Suddenly a roar was heard as a rain of burning meteors appeared in the sky. Quickly Matt shielded Katie as the Hoot and the two Bucketheads ran for cover "WHAT THE (CENSORED)!?" Kaiser exclaimed as the meteors fell to the ground, exploding on impact sending him and anyone else caught in the blast flying in the air. On the cliff side four figures emerged as the explosions subsided. "GEEZ Flaron!" Flipp exclaimed, squatting down, "I didn't you could do that!" "That's a bit excessive do you think?" Tameron asked, as Flaron lowered her staff. "It's fine." Voidmond said as Flaron glared at him with gritted teeth, "Hopefully it'll just put them out of commission for a while."
The day before as they entered the ship's door, Tameron looked around as Flaron walked in, "It's alright Tameron, we can make up an excuse if " "I took care of that." Voidmond said, emerging from the shadows, causing the two humonculi to almost jump. "Voidmond?" Tameron asked before Flaron marched to the fake garuda demanding, "What the (censored) do you want now!?" Raising his hands Voimond answered, "Well since you asked, to give you amnesty." Blinking, Flaron asked, "What?" "Flaron. Tameron." Verdtrus called out from the doorway in other side of the room. Flaron turned to the man and just stared at him, eyes furrowed under her goggles. "What is it Verdtus?" She asked balling her fists. Seeing this Verdtus said not giving away his concern, "Voidmond told me that you and Tameron were going out for more supplies. I assume that it was a failure?" Eyes full of anger, Flaron turned and quickly marched out as Verdtrus turned to Tameron. Noticing Verdtrus eyes are on Tameron stammered trying to come up with an answer before saying, "Sorry, we didn't mean any harm, it's that-" "It's alright. " Verdtrus said cutting the humonculus off, "You don't have to explain anything." Taking this as his cue to leave, Tameron glanced back at Voidmond before going after Flaron, calling out her name. Once he was sure Tameron was out of earshot, Verdtrus turned and asked, "Eithine, is what Voidmond had said true?" "I'm afraid so." Eithine answered as she emerged from the doorway. "Voidmond," Verdtrus called out, "if you want to be on my side, I need you to do this one mission first...."
Head spinning, Katie tried to get up but found Matt on top of her. Groaning, he asked, "You - alright?" "Wait," Katie asked as she and Matt slowly got up, "What happened to Bartch?" Getting up to his knees, Bartch looked around and found an unconscious Kaiser laying face down unconscious to his left and to the right is a very smoking yet very fuming 21. Suddenly Eric materialized right by 21 and grabbed the monster's shoulder. "This ISN'T OVER!" 21 called out before the two vanished into thin air. Getting up, Primo and Jerry saw the two court members vanish into thin air. "What the (censored) just happened?" Jerry exclaimed. "Owwww!" Hoot called out catching the agent's attention. "Herb!" Katie exclaimed as she and Matt ran to the source. Seeing Hoot under a pile of rocks, Katie and Matt ran to the garuda and began to remove rocks off of his body only to find a shield under the rocks. "W-what?" Katie stammered before Hoot slowly sat up coughing. "Can still summon weapons," he said revealing the prototype armorizer, "these things are nifty you know!" "You still kept yours?" Matt exclaimed as he helped Hoot on feet, "I thought we were supposed to turn them in." Primo and Jerry then ran up to the three as both Bartch and Kaiser began to rise up. "What the (censored)!?" Kaiser muttered already on his knees, "hey where did those guys go?"
Getting on his feet he muttered, "If I find our who ever did this, I WILL-" "You what?" Flaron called out getting everyone's attention, "Wring my neck?" Turning around the agents and the Bucketheads found Voidmond, Flaron, Tameron and Flip walking towards them with weapons drawn. Marching towards the group, Kaiser exclaimed, "Why you little e punk! Next time, warn me when you do (censored) like that!" Ignoring this Flaron watched Tameron step forward and looked at Primo as he asked solemnly, "Hey man, so was this the part where you start to attack us?" "Not really," Primo answered, "we were attacked by some friends of yours." "Friends?" Flaron asked, "You mean the pink thing that was trying to kill you? No they're not-" "Wait what the (censored) are you-!?" Kaiser started before Voidmond grabbed his shoulder with a look trying to get him to shut up. "What!?" Kaiser demanded, "These are our enemies and - HEY!" As Voidmond pulled the cursing ceasarian aside calling out, "Don't mind us just continue on." The two groups watched the two moved away, and soon turned to each other as Bartch walked up to the CPDF's group. "You okay man?" Matt asked as Bartch nodded after he opened his face visor. "I'll be fine." He said as he turning to Flaron and Tameron, asking, "Did you do this?" "Why are you here?" Flaron asked, "I doubt that those two maniacs didn't attack you for no reason." "Those two maniacs attacked us first!" Katie exclaimed. "To be fair," Primo pointed out, "They were with you when you arrived." "Wait you let them on your ship!?" Tameron asked, almost chuckling, "Man and I thought we made mistakes, you guys are idiots." Annoyed, Katie turned away as, Bartch came forward and asked, "You follow only Verdtrus right?" "Yeah, mostly" Tameron answered, "To be honest we could care less about those Red Dragon (censored)s any day of the week." "So why are you-" Bartch began before Flaron, cutted him off saying, "Look, we don't know why Verdtrus is working for those guys, if you want to know that badly, ask him yourself! Seriously, you guys are like a broken record, we only follow Verdtrus only because we want to survive! If G Zero is destroyed, we won't have to worry about him wiping us from the face of the this universe!" "So that's it?" Bartch answered, "You're just scared of your own kind?" "What are you talking about?" Katie asked. "Mordecai told us that G Zero is basically the next Generation of the Artificial Man Project." Bartch explained, "Built to control the very energy that the Knights use for their equipment." "That lizard!" Flaron muttered under her breath before asking, "What else did he tell you?" "Everything," Bartch answered, "even how you escaped." Looking at the sirian for a moment, Flaron turned and said as she walked away, "If we find you here again, we will have to kill you." "She doesn't mean it" Tameron said before turning to Primo, "Sorry, but we can't just abandon our brothers. Once we stop G Zero, maybe we can join you guys. Let's go Flip." As Tameron walked away, Flip looked back and waved to the group before following the humonculi back to their ship. "HEY!" Jerry exclaimed rushing after the three, "Get back-!" Suddenly a pillar of sand erupted in front of the Ursan, causing him to fall on his rear. As the pillar dissipated, Tarrot stood with his knuckle shield-like weapon ready to pummel any attacker. "DON'T" Tarrot warned before a small sand storm passed over the Agents and Bucketheads before vanishing into thin air, leaving a duffel bag where Tarrot once stood.
"VOIDMOND what the-!?" Kaiser exclaimed as the fake garuda pulled him aside, "What the (censored)!?" "Just let them talk it out," Voidmond explained letting the ceasarian go, "I don't think this will end in bloodshed." "They are our ENEMIES!" Kaiser stated pointing to the agents, "If we don't stop them, they will likely kill us!" "I doubt that." Voidmond stated as he started to walk up the cliff, "Sure, they may arrest, but I don't think that they are killers." Following Voidmond, Kaiser walked up to a cave where he saw a red tail poking out from behind a rock. "Ah there they are." Voidmond stated as they walked around the rock, finding Eric and a confused Rian hiding behind a rock.
Head spinning, Katie tried to get up but found Matt on top of her. Groaning, he asked, "You - alright?" "Wait," Katie asked as she and Matt slowly got up, "What happened to Bartch?" Getting up to his knees, Bartch looked around and found an unconscious Kaiser laying face down unconscious to his left and to the right is a very smoking yet very fuming 21. Suddenly Eric materialized right by 21 and grabbed the monster's shoulder. "This ISN'T OVER!" 21 called out before the two vanished into thin air. Getting up, Primo and Jerry saw the two court members vanish into thin air. "What the (censored) just happened?" Jerry exclaimed. "Owwww!" Hoot called out catching the agent's attention. "Herb!" Katie exclaimed as she and Matt ran to the source. Seeing Hoot under a pile of rocks, Katie and Matt ran to the garuda and began to remove rocks off of his body only to find a shield under the rocks. "W-what?" Katie stammered before Hoot slowly sat up coughing. "Can still summon weapons," he said revealing the prototype armorizer, "these things are nifty you know!" "You still kept yours?" Matt exclaimed as he helped Hoot on feet, "I thought we were supposed to turn them in." Primo and Jerry then ran up to the three as both Bartch and Kaiser began to rise up. "What the (censored)!?" Kaiser muttered already on his knees, "hey where did those guys go?"
Getting on his feet he muttered, "If I find our who ever did this, I WILL-" "You what?" Flaron called out getting everyone's attention, "Wring my neck?" Turning around the agents and the Bucketheads found Voidmond, Flaron, Tameron and Flip walking towards them with weapons drawn. Marching towards the group, Kaiser exclaimed, "Why you little e punk! Next time, warn me when you do (censored) like that!" Ignoring this Flaron watched Tameron step forward and looked at Primo as he asked solemnly, "Hey man, so was this the part where you start to attack us?" "Not really," Primo answered, "we were attacked by some friends of yours." "Friends?" Flaron asked, "You mean the pink thing that was trying to kill you? No they're not-" "Wait what the (censored) are you-!?" Kaiser started before Voidmond grabbed his shoulder with a look trying to get him to shut up. "What!?" Kaiser demanded, "These are our enemies and - HEY!" As Voidmond pulled the cursing ceasarian aside calling out, "Don't mind us just continue on." The two groups watched the two moved away, and soon turned to each other as Bartch walked up to the CPDF's group. "You okay man?" Matt asked as Bartch nodded after he opened his face visor. "I'll be fine." He said as he turning to Flaron and Tameron, asking, "Did you do this?" "Why are you here?" Flaron asked, "I doubt that those two maniacs didn't attack you for no reason." "Those two maniacs attacked us first!" Katie exclaimed. "To be fair," Primo pointed out, "They were with you when you arrived." "Wait you let them on your ship!?" Tameron asked, almost chuckling, "Man and I thought we made mistakes, you guys are idiots." Annoyed, Katie turned away as, Bartch came forward and asked, "You follow only Verdtrus right?" "Yeah, mostly" Tameron answered, "To be honest we could care less about those Red Dragon (censored)s any day of the week." "So why are you-" Bartch began before Flaron, cutted him off saying, "Look, we don't know why Verdtrus is working for those guys, if you want to know that badly, ask him yourself! Seriously, you guys are like a broken record, we only follow Verdtrus only because we want to survive! If G Zero is destroyed, we won't have to worry about him wiping us from the face of the this universe!" "So that's it?" Bartch answered, "You're just scared of your own kind?" "What are you talking about?" Katie asked. "Mordecai told us that G Zero is basically the next Generation of the Artificial Man Project." Bartch explained, "Built to control the very energy that the Knights use for their equipment." "That lizard!" Flaron muttered under her breath before asking, "What else did he tell you?" "Everything," Bartch answered, "even how you escaped." Looking at the sirian for a moment, Flaron turned and said as she walked away, "If we find you here again, we will have to kill you." "She doesn't mean it" Tameron said before turning to Primo, "Sorry, but we can't just abandon our brothers. Once we stop G Zero, maybe we can join you guys. Let's go Flip." As Tameron walked away, Flip looked back and waved to the group before following the humonculi back to their ship. "HEY!" Jerry exclaimed rushing after the three, "Get back-!" Suddenly a pillar of sand erupted in front of the Ursan, causing him to fall on his rear. As the pillar dissipated, Tarrot stood with his knuckle shield-like weapon ready to pummel any attacker. "DON'T" Tarrot warned before a small sand storm passed over the Agents and Bucketheads before vanishing into thin air, leaving a duffel bag where Tarrot once stood.
"VOIDMOND what the-!?" Kaiser exclaimed as the fake garuda pulled him aside, "What the (censored)!?" "Just let them talk it out," Voidmond explained letting the ceasarian go, "I don't think this will end in bloodshed." "They are our ENEMIES!" Kaiser stated pointing to the agents, "If we don't stop them, they will likely kill us!" "I doubt that." Voidmond stated as he started to walk up the cliff, "Sure, they may arrest, but I don't think that they are killers." Following Voidmond, Kaiser walked up to a cave where he saw a red tail poking out from behind a rock. "Ah there they are." Voidmond stated as they walked around the rock, finding Eric and a confused Rian hiding behind a rock.
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