Across the threshold Part 3: Investigations part 1
Meanwhile, on the sky trail port to Caleum city, there were two Garuda heading to the nearest ship post. One was tall and wearing a yellow lined jacket zipped up and clothing similar to chipp but he has a pure white eagle head and black feathered body. The other, Q, was squat with a pure white feathered body and instead of a normal beak, he has a bill. His clothes are his cobalt blue lined jacket zipped open revealing a white Polo and white undershirt. His jeans have a silver chain jingling from his belt and his shoes were running sneakers. The two were brothers who were raised by Joseph Christos, Chase's biological father. As the two walked through the halls Q was drinking water while Chase was reading the copy of the file Bartch sent him. "Hmm... okay what the heck Bartch?" Chase said, "An adapter in the head geez, that doesn't make sense. And in the head of a reptilian no less! Why!?" Q responds by asking in his own language "(I don't understand why you don't like the reptilians so much.)" (Q's language came from the language that he learned along with English normaly it is difficult for him to speak normal English properly.) "Look I don't hate the reptilians, it's the Red Dragon Army I hate. It's because of the war," Chase answered "it's because of them that we lost Terra Area. and nearly lost Forma City." Q looked at Chase with a with a look of surprise. "Sorry, bad memories," Chase said sighing, "come on let's get that hospital. "(Alright)" Q agreed worryingly.
A minute or two later
At the University of extraterrestrial archeology in New Forma city, (which established after the great Reptilian War or the 5 Years War), Chipp and Bartch, led by Professor Reynolds, came through the entrance of the lab. "Thank you Professor Reynolds, so what can you tell us about the crashsite?" Bartch said. Professor Reynolds who was an orange Ceasarsian (Chipp's species) answered, " Well the ship is definitely of modern design, despite the fact that it was found 20 years ago. The ship is about shuttle sized and it has the equivalent of military grade weapons but with kinetic rounds instead of basic plasma rounds." "Well that's interesting, but what about the reptilian, you know the guy in the pod?" Chipp asked. The professor answered, "Yes well, he was of of course sent to the Brankins Hospital in Caleum city back in 2025, I don't know what happened to him afterwards. But we did find out that there were seven other pods in the ship." Both Chipp and Bartch were supprised by this. "Yes and when we took a closer look at the empty pods, they looked like they were cut open, like some animal with metal claws." "A plasma tool, maybe?" Bartch asked. "Perhaps that's what opened them up." "Well the cut marks seem to be equivalent to animal claws." Reynolds mentioned. "What like the tiger from Earth?" Chipp asked. "No, more like a lycan because of the slash marks left to right unstead of up and down and oddly enough, we actually found out that most of the damage occurred after the crash." Reynolds said. "So do you think that this might be the Red Dragon Army or even some of their sub groups, like the Dark Scavengers." Chipp said. "Does everything have to be named Dark?" Reynolds asked. "Huh, I don't know why." Bartch answered "I think it is to strike fear into the hearts of all sentients." "Ah yes that political term that describes any thinking Martian on Mars Primax." (In this universe, Mars was about the size of earth, and had not become the planet we know it today. However, due to extensive terra forming, a Canada sized section was left as fertile as New Mexico. The reason why there are so many animal like sentient lifeforms is actually due to the 5 Genesis waves from 1700 AD to 1900 AD. More on this later). Wisey, the guy who gave Bartch the file earlier, came in panting up to the table. The Garuda nearly collapsed the table when he got there but Bartch asked him, "Wisey where were you? We were discussing some very important info." Sorry" he said, "There were people who were trailing us on our way here so I had to distracted them. Met a weird guy along the way." "And you lost them," Chipp asked "do remember what they looked like at least?" "Well yeah,"Wisey answered "they-" but before he could continue, a man came in, a Sirian (Bartch's species)and whispered to the professor's ear. The professor got up and excused himself from the room. The three remaining were left in the room. Soon a few seconds later, they heard a scream and when they ran out to the source they found the professor were on the ground. The three did not have to wait for the one because he was standing by the Professor. The man turned into a hulking humanoid with hints of his original form with red cables running over his mismashed armor, his head had tendrils on the back and an electrical disruptor in his hand. In his hand was a pair of copper boots that seemed to have rusted and the leather straps were in taters. The three raised their arms and large wrist devices each appeared on their arms turning on, saying "Form Change"
To be continued
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