Across the Threshold part 22: Eiffel Blue part 4 all aboard to Gash
At the sub Head Quarters, Chase, Katie and Matt were out side with Matt with his face in his hands. "Oh Lord almighty, I can't believe that we are doing this. Why are we doing this?" Katie answered "Well we need to be wary, even if Hoot is with him, we know nothing about this Beowulf guy." "That didn't answer my question." "We someone who knows the Requiem Knights." Chase said immediately." The three entered through the Lobby and saw the owl-like secretary who was suprised to see them. "Hello sirs," He said with a worried start, eyeing Katie "... I didn't expect you to be-" "It's alright Hoot, you can drop the act." Chase said "we need to see Beo," "Oh, thank the Lord," Hoot said dropping the facade, "So the blond gecko man that I'm babysitting, right?" "Yeah, that fracker." Matt said.
In the integration room, Beo was sitting at a table drinking coffee in his hand. "Huh," Matt asked "Why didi you give coffee to a suspect." "Because he just asked." Hoot answered, "I didn't get anything out of him, I think he knows that what I am here for." "Well," Chase said entering the "You won't have to worry about that anymore, I'll take it from here." He moved into the room and sat across from Beo and started with "Alright Beo, what else do you know abut the interlopers?" "What do you want to know?" Beo asked, looking up giving Chase his attention. "Everything about the interlopers." Chase said.
In case if you were wondering where Scott is. |
At the deserts of Gash, a small town called Dirsh lay on an oasis with various condos along the border. The condos are run by a Catria named Shiro Jack, a businessman well known for his smart business moves and for his parties. The town itself is an odd blend of Mexico city and Miami and is currently home to the national Gashian Ship port which is where our heroes are landing currently. Chipp was looking over to the city from the hanger bay . Bartch walked up to Chipp's side "Is it alright to leave Chase and the others at New Forma?" Bartch pointed out "This scouting trip really needed at most 3 of us rather than five men." "Well yes but, we need to get as much Intel as we can get. Anyway, hey Scott are you-" "(Too late!)" Q called out. "Huh!?" Chipp said as he and Bartch spun around surprised. "(I noticed him was gone as soon as we arrived. I did see the escape pod leave the ship. So why drag us to Gash anyway?)" "Because we believe that the Red Dragon Army is here in Dirsh." Chipp stated firmly causing Q to comment out loud "(Really, because it looks like you are just grasping at straws.)" "Well, we are also here for a exo man by the name of Dr Karka. " Bartch expanded on Chipp's explanation, "You see Chipp believes that the Requiem Knights may be connected to the Genesis incident." Q, who was sitting on a couch in the hanger stood up, his face turning to that off confusion. "(What the frack did you just say?)" Q asked (Wasn't that a whole year ago?)" "Yes," Chipp confirmed, "Remember Darkoni?" "The copycat with a dumb name?" Wisey asked. "(Yep)" Q confirmed. "Before his death," Bartch explained, "Darkoni explained that the Gate Keys would lead to a power that could rip the known Universe asunder." (For context the Gate Keys were a series of ten macguffins that the CPDF had to stop the Red Dragon Army from collecting. If they had done so, the known universe would have been torn asunder.) "What if this power had been unleashed, when the keys were destroyed, effecting this reality as a consequence." Q did not seem convinced but the memory what had happened in the Genesis Incident flashed in his mind, of how the Crimson fleet nearly tor the apart galaxy for the Gate keys. "(Alright fine,)" Q said"(what do you have in mind this time, because I don't want to find myself at a plasma rifle's line of fire.)" "I believe we need to look up the legend mentioned by Dr Reynolds. About the old artifacts and I believe I know where to start." Chipp said holding up a poster for an auction for the Museum held by Dr Karka himself. "(Son of a gun!)" Q said face-palming as Wisey entered the ship. "(Are you kidding me!?)" Q demanded. "(That's your plan!? What does that have to do with the investigation!?)" "Don't worry, Shiro Jack himself said that Dr Karka will be the auction." Chipp explained, "We just need to intercept any dark scavengers that may come during the auction."
To be continued
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