Across the Threshold: Requiem's nine part 9 2/3
At G'Hoot street.....
"They're at GASH!?" Omnidec yelled, causing an echo in tunnel. "Yes yes GEEZ! They (mostly Flaron) told me to just deliver the items to you guys!" "WHY!?" Omidec demanded "We should be there by now!" "OK ok!" Flip said and when he tried to use the amulet, nothing happened. "Uh...." You used it a fifth times did you?" Twin Drake asked as the orange jewel turned transparent "Uh huh." Flipp said. "you said it could only be used four times." Omnidec said pointed out. "Well yes but the reason why is that the gem would burn out if you used it to much. To be honest, we've shouldn't have used it as much as we did." "What if we used the brace?" Omnidec asked pulling the said brace out. "That might work." and Omnidec pointed his braced wrist to the necklace and soon a copy of the necklace appeared on his neck. "Good." Omnidec said. "Also," Flipp said, Flaron took over the group when I last left, and she's planning to take the breastplate Black Hermit talked about. "Taking initiative I see." Then he turned to Louise and asked her "What are you doing here?" He asked her. "You have Mordecai, you have to know where he is, also, your ceasarian friend threatened to kill me if I don't cooperate with you." "Flaron." Twin Drake whispered to Tarrot, who just looked at the interloper in silent agreement. "She also told me that you know where he is, so where is he?" Omnidec raised his head and said cooly "Supposedly, we were going to rendezvous with Verdtrus outside the city after we settled things with the CPDF, but now that Black Hermit's cronies have Verdtrus, maybe even Mordecai if they haven't killed him, we'll just have to use what we have to rescue them." "What?" Louise asked clearly distressed, Omnidec turned around and continued "After we rescued Verdtrus, we'll just find a new planet simply recover our forces." "We still need our chips back you know," Tarrot said cutting on, "I have 3 left, excluding Bakore's chip." "At least you have 3 left," Twin Drake said pulling out his camera and started to fiddle with it. "Most of us started out with just two or three, four if we're lucky. So I don't see why you're complaining, elder-loper." "You forget that without those chips, our cores are what's going to power our transfuzors," Tarrot pointed out moving closer to the draconic humunculi "and I don't believe that's something you would like to experience." "Hey!" Omnidec said, "Cool it! Let's just get out of here first." Unaware to the group, a lone ceasarian figure spied from the shadows. He brought out his blaster but was stopped when a sound of splashing was heard in the shadows. The group turned as the figure retreated for now.
"Who's there?" Omnidec asked in the direction of noise and as an answer Beowulf appeared with the agents behind him, all aiming their weapons at the group. "Freeze! You are all under arrest!" Katie yelled and then Chase saw Louise. "Wait what are you doing here?" He asked. "We promise to bring Mordecai back to the hospital!" Causing Omnidec to turn and yell "You WHAT?" "Well to be honest Verdtrus was planning to do the same." Twin Drake commented quietly to Omnidec who just sighed and face palmed said "ALRIGHT FINE! I'll talk with them to see if we can work some thing out!" He moved in front and told the agents "Alright, I have a proposition! You can have the girl, the items and whatever else you want, just let us get our friends and we'll be out of your hair, how about that?" The agents looked at each other in confusion and Chase just said "Why? You've stolen a lot of priceless artifacts, kidnapped a patient and now the nurse that works with him. You've also attempted to kill an officer of the law, and caused vast amounts of property damage, and you want us to just IGNORE THAT!?" Omnidec responded by raising his copy of the amulet saying "Your choice." But Katie suddenly yelled out "WAIT! We can discuss discuss terms, just let the nurse go." Omnidec froze and looked at the group. "Alright." he said "You can have her and this as well!" and he tosses something towards them. Mark catches it seeing it as a comm. "We'll keep in touch!" Omnidec said as he pushed tosses a device towards them and used the copy necklace to teleport his party, creating a bright flash, blinding the CPDF agents and Beowulf. "OH COME ON! THAT WAS THE SECOND TIME TODAY!" Chase exclaimed everyone was scrambling to recover from the flash.
"Who's there?" Omnidec asked in the direction of noise and as an answer Beowulf appeared with the agents behind him, all aiming their weapons at the group. "Freeze! You are all under arrest!" Katie yelled and then Chase saw Louise. "Wait what are you doing here?" He asked. "We promise to bring Mordecai back to the hospital!" Causing Omnidec to turn and yell "You WHAT?" "Well to be honest Verdtrus was planning to do the same." Twin Drake commented quietly to Omnidec who just sighed and face palmed said "ALRIGHT FINE! I'll talk with them to see if we can work some thing out!" He moved in front and told the agents "Alright, I have a proposition! You can have the girl, the items and whatever else you want, just let us get our friends and we'll be out of your hair, how about that?" The agents looked at each other in confusion and Chase just said "Why? You've stolen a lot of priceless artifacts, kidnapped a patient and now the nurse that works with him. You've also attempted to kill an officer of the law, and caused vast amounts of property damage, and you want us to just IGNORE THAT!?" Omnidec responded by raising his copy of the amulet saying "Your choice." But Katie suddenly yelled out "WAIT! We can discuss discuss terms, just let the nurse go." Omnidec froze and looked at the group. "Alright." he said "You can have her and this as well!" and he tosses something towards them. Mark catches it seeing it as a comm. "We'll keep in touch!" Omnidec said as he pushed tosses a device towards them and used the copy necklace to teleport his party, creating a bright flash, blinding the CPDF agents and Beowulf. "OH COME ON! THAT WAS THE SECOND TIME TODAY!" Chase exclaimed everyone was scrambling to recover from the flash.
"SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT!" Tameron said entering the building and slamming the entrance door. It was large warehouse with hundreds of boxes lined up in direct order. Bakore and Flaron, armored and helmet less were in an argument and just now have noticed Tameron. "What's with you?" Bakore asked with his arms crossed. "CPDF," Tameron said huffing "HERE!" Both Flaron and Bakore got up. "WHAT!?" Flaron said now fully healed, with her face covered by goggles and a scarf, ran over to Tameron and moved him aside "MOVE! Shoot! We can't afford to get caught like this!" Bakore pulled out his sword and moved towards the entrance "Finally! Some action!" Flaron and Bakore summoned their helmets as Tameron brought out his transfuzor. "Tameron, suit up and stick with me. Bakore, find the exit and provide cover fire when things get hectic." "You got it boss lady!" Tameron said and transformed into his armored form. Bakore just sighed and opened his wings. "Why am I -" Bakore started but Flaron cuts him off saying "Bakore if you don't do what I ask then I will rip out your core and use it as a phone battery!" Bakore jumped back and looked at Tameron who said "You better do what the lady says!"
A few minutes later Chipp entered, running in through the entrance and saw the interlopers, excluding Bakore, waiting for him weapons pointing at him. "Fancy meeting you guys here." Chipp said. "What are you doing here?" Flaron demanded. "On investigation," Chipp answered pointing his G Saber at the two. "Are you with Red Dragon?" "That's none of your business!" Flaron said and she rushed at Chipp and the two sparred with Chipp blocking several of Flaron's blows. Tameron moved in to help but heard a sound behind him. "What the?" He said before he spotted Q aming a his own G saber in gun mode at him. "WOAH!" He said as he ducked and roll, causing Q to miss his target. "(Frack!)" Q cursed and shifted his weapon to sword mode and jumped down, landing on his feet. Q's G saber met Tameron's lance, creating sparks in the air as the two beings starred down at each other's eyes. Tameron used his shield to push Q away. Q moved to summon his shield but Tameron slashed at his arm, exposing the mechanical elements in the prosthetic. "So you're..." Tameron said seeing this, "Flipp told me a lot about you! He thinks that you're one of us. Are you?" Q gritted his nonexistent teeth and said "(No, I'm NOT!)" as he charged at the interloper, summoning a shield. All four combatants bashed and slashed at each other in a fury of sparks, jabs and bashes as Kafe ran in. "Son of gun!" he said pulling out the white object from before. The object was egg shaped and it had a button on one front. Kafe pressed it and it opened up to reveal a blue tube inside, saying "Well, time to go to work." as he removed the vial.
Bakore, hiding in the scaffolding saw Kafe and leaped down onto the ground with a loud thump. Chipp, noticing this, kicked Flaron in the chest and ran to Kafe, yelling, "KAFE LOOK OUT!" causing Flaron to turn and see Bakore puling out his sword. She was going to yell at him to stop but suddenly, in a flash, a holographic fire with black and blue erupted behind Bakore, causing the humonculi to jump. Bakore turned but a gunmetal colored fist punched him in the front of the his helmet in a powerful right hook. As the flames died down Scott emerged in his armor as an electronic voice belted out in loud chords "BLACK FLAME!" followed by a few electronic drum beats. "Yo! Miss me?" Scott said as Bakore "Who the (Censored) are YOU!?" Kafe recognizing Scott's voice and his hands on the opened object tightened as he just starred at Scott saying nothing. Scott immediately recognized the figure before him, and his calm visage turned serious. "So, you're here. Why are you here?" "Making sure idiots like you don't destroy Dirsh." Kafe said sternly. Bakore got up and charged at the two, swinging his sword at their direction, only for Scott to push Kafe out of the way and block the blade with his hand. "What the?" Bakore exclaimed before Scott punched him in the gut sending the interloper reeling in pain. "Ow, GEEZ!" Scott said shaking the pain from his hands, "What the heck are you made of?" Bakore gritted his teeth under his helmet and just charged at the sirian. Scott dodged out of a way and kicked the humonculi in the back . He summons his weapon, a weighted plasma blade. Turning around, Bakore slashed at Scott in mad fury, his sword heating up in the process.
Chipp ducked out of the way of Flaron's staff and kicked her in the stomach. Seeing this, Tameron broke away from Q and ran to her side. "You okay?" He said but Flaron just pushed him away and pointed in front of them, saying "I'M FINE! Just worry about them!" Tameron noticed Q moving towards them as Chipp steadied his g-saber. Tameron looked at this and then rushed at the two shield and lance raised. Chipp dodged and Q tried to slash at the humonculi but Tameron caught G saber sword with his shield. "Come on you maniacs! Bring it on!" He said as Q glared at the humonculi in frustration. Chipp moved slowly towards the rising Flaron but the Humonculi noticed him before he could get closer. "Oh no! Not today!" Flaron said as she ran up and whacked the ceasarian in the face (or face mask) and sent him flying. Scott saw this and hollered at the ceasarian's expense, "LOOKING GOOD CHIPPY!"
A few minutes later Chipp entered, running in through the entrance and saw the interlopers, excluding Bakore, waiting for him weapons pointing at him. "Fancy meeting you guys here." Chipp said. "What are you doing here?" Flaron demanded. "On investigation," Chipp answered pointing his G Saber at the two. "Are you with Red Dragon?" "That's none of your business!" Flaron said and she rushed at Chipp and the two sparred with Chipp blocking several of Flaron's blows. Tameron moved in to help but heard a sound behind him. "What the?" He said before he spotted Q aming a his own G saber in gun mode at him. "WOAH!" He said as he ducked and roll, causing Q to miss his target. "(Frack!)" Q cursed and shifted his weapon to sword mode and jumped down, landing on his feet. Q's G saber met Tameron's lance, creating sparks in the air as the two beings starred down at each other's eyes. Tameron used his shield to push Q away. Q moved to summon his shield but Tameron slashed at his arm, exposing the mechanical elements in the prosthetic. "So you're..." Tameron said seeing this, "Flipp told me a lot about you! He thinks that you're one of us. Are you?" Q gritted his nonexistent teeth and said "(No, I'm NOT!)" as he charged at the interloper, summoning a shield. All four combatants bashed and slashed at each other in a fury of sparks, jabs and bashes as Kafe ran in. "Son of gun!" he said pulling out the white object from before. The object was egg shaped and it had a button on one front. Kafe pressed it and it opened up to reveal a blue tube inside, saying "Well, time to go to work." as he removed the vial.
Bakore, hiding in the scaffolding saw Kafe and leaped down onto the ground with a loud thump. Chipp, noticing this, kicked Flaron in the chest and ran to Kafe, yelling, "KAFE LOOK OUT!" causing Flaron to turn and see Bakore puling out his sword. She was going to yell at him to stop but suddenly, in a flash, a holographic fire with black and blue erupted behind Bakore, causing the humonculi to jump. Bakore turned but a gunmetal colored fist punched him in the front of the his helmet in a powerful right hook. As the flames died down Scott emerged in his armor as an electronic voice belted out in loud chords "BLACK FLAME!" followed by a few electronic drum beats. "Yo! Miss me?" Scott said as Bakore "Who the (Censored) are YOU!?" Kafe recognizing Scott's voice and his hands on the opened object tightened as he just starred at Scott saying nothing. Scott immediately recognized the figure before him, and his calm visage turned serious. "So, you're here. Why are you here?" "Making sure idiots like you don't destroy Dirsh." Kafe said sternly. Bakore got up and charged at the two, swinging his sword at their direction, only for Scott to push Kafe out of the way and block the blade with his hand. "What the?" Bakore exclaimed before Scott punched him in the gut sending the interloper reeling in pain. "Ow, GEEZ!" Scott said shaking the pain from his hands, "What the heck are you made of?" Bakore gritted his teeth under his helmet and just charged at the sirian. Scott dodged out of a way and kicked the humonculi in the back . He summons his weapon, a weighted plasma blade. Turning around, Bakore slashed at Scott in mad fury, his sword heating up in the process.
Chipp ducked out of the way of Flaron's staff and kicked her in the stomach. Seeing this, Tameron broke away from Q and ran to her side. "You okay?" He said but Flaron just pushed him away and pointed in front of them, saying "I'M FINE! Just worry about them!" Tameron noticed Q moving towards them as Chipp steadied his g-saber. Tameron looked at this and then rushed at the two shield and lance raised. Chipp dodged and Q tried to slash at the humonculi but Tameron caught G saber sword with his shield. "Come on you maniacs! Bring it on!" He said as Q glared at the humonculi in frustration. Chipp moved slowly towards the rising Flaron but the Humonculi noticed him before he could get closer. "Oh no! Not today!" Flaron said as she ran up and whacked the ceasarian in the face (or face mask) and sent him flying. Scott saw this and hollered at the ceasarian's expense, "LOOKING GOOD CHIPPY!"
Verdtrus was thrown onto the lower decks in the Perolus, cuffed and bloody, next to a pod containing a humanoid figure. "Where did you get that interloper?" Jekk demanded after kicking the terulian* again in the chest. "Not sure," Verdtrus said in pants "considering your men's track record, I doubt that a couple of new recruits are going to catch something that big!" "Fine!" He said, "Then I'll have to get the answer from your men once they surrendered the requiem items to us!" Verdtrus jumped up to choke 's neck but Jekk transformed into a silver armored form similar to Omnidec. He kicked Verdtrus towards a beam, almost breaking his back. Suddenly a female of Hermit's species came up and said "Sir, we received a transmission from The Inamorato." and whispered in his ear, passing him a document. Jekk froze and demanded to know more out loud. "We'll settle this latter." Exiting the room he told a newly healed Vandrin in his civilian form. "Make sure no one leaves this room." Jekk told him and left.
Vandrin enters catching Verdtrus's eye. "Oh great One of the stooges!" Verdtrus said sitting up "What do you want?" "My boss told me to make sure you don't leave." Vandrin said and then he pointed to his chest, "Also I have have your friends to thank for the new headache and the chest wound." Verdtrus sat up wheezing, thinking (So Mordecai got the thing to work, good!). "What else is new?" He then asked. "We have your chrome plated friend though." Verdtrus' grimace instantly grew darker"What?" "He's in a stasis pod in the med bay, so I recommend you tell our commander every thing you know!" Verdtrus tried get up again but his recent injury caused his knees to buckle. "You have 48 hours before the poision takes it's course." He then turned to move to a table but heard Verdtrus telling him to stop. Vandrin looked down to see Verdtrus glaring at him with extreme hatred. Slowly, Verdtrus got up and grabbed the sirian by the collar saying in rasps, "As soon as I get out of these chains I WILL KILL YOU!" At that moment he collapsed, allowing Vandrin to back away slowly. "Of course, you need to rest for now" He said sitting down and turning on his phone.
*A human like species in Mission to Zyxx, though this story is not really cannon to the podcast series itself, it's just an AU.
Vandrin enters catching Verdtrus's eye. "Oh great One of the stooges!" Verdtrus said sitting up "What do you want?" "My boss told me to make sure you don't leave." Vandrin said and then he pointed to his chest, "Also I have have your friends to thank for the new headache and the chest wound." Verdtrus sat up wheezing, thinking (So Mordecai got the thing to work, good!). "What else is new?" He then asked. "We have your chrome plated friend though." Verdtrus' grimace instantly grew darker"What?" "He's in a stasis pod in the med bay, so I recommend you tell our commander every thing you know!" Verdtrus tried get up again but his recent injury caused his knees to buckle. "You have 48 hours before the poision takes it's course." He then turned to move to a table but heard Verdtrus telling him to stop. Vandrin looked down to see Verdtrus glaring at him with extreme hatred. Slowly, Verdtrus got up and grabbed the sirian by the collar saying in rasps, "As soon as I get out of these chains I WILL KILL YOU!" At that moment he collapsed, allowing Vandrin to back away slowly. "Of course, you need to rest for now" He said sitting down and turning on his phone.
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