Across the threshold: Double Dragon 03
Years ago in the hangar of the Grendel on Earth Gaia, Twin Drake, known as NULL 003 back in, was hiding behind a crate as Verdtrus and Chromdraco fired upon the encroaching horde of guards as the they tried to get through to the massive white ship. "NULL 001!" Verdtrus said shooting one of the soldiers, "Get that door open!" "I'm trying!" Tarrot (NULL 01) exclaimed, trying to get the door open to the vessel, "It's stuck!" Cowering, Twin Drake looked around, first to Verdtrus and his comrades, then to his brother NULL 04, whom he will know as Omnidec, helping out Verdtrus and then to the baby sized orb in his hands. The orb was filled with a yellowish orange liquid and a small fetus. The fetus itself was small and robotic like him. Suddenly one of Verdtrus's comrades, a long white haired draken, flew back after an explosion blew his shoulder apart. Another comrade, a female of Chromdraco's species, screamed out his name as the draken soon spewed smoke from his mouth. Looking up, he saw that crimson armored monster, Beowulf, raise the gun as a trail of smoke emitted from the barrel. Another comrade, a four armed cyborg with empty missile launchers on his back, rushed at the Draken with intense speed. Quickly, Beowulf raised his hand and suddenly the cyborg froze, falling to his knees. Watching this play out, Twin Drake saw the cyborg struggling to get up, exclaiming something about how the Requiem Knights save everyone and that Lightbringer will never succeed before suddenly the cyborg began to crumple up into a bloody pulp.

In the present, as he Zoomed through the sky, all Twin Drake could think about was that he had to get away from the Jewel as soon as possible. "HEY!" Tavo exclaimed catching up to the humonculus, "What the (censored) are you doing!? Our target is back there!" "You have no idea what we are dealing with!" Twin Drake exclaimed, tightly holding onto the construct in his arms, "Beowulf is a vicious killer and will stop at nothing until we are dead!" Suddenly a gun shot rang though the air as a bullet hit Tavo in the back causing the two to stop. "GRR!" Tavo growled turning around, "THE (CENSORED)!?" Turning back, Twin Drake saw the hover craft, carrying that crimson devil, flying towards them. "(censored)!" Twin Drake exclaimed before turning to Tavo, "Hey can you still-" "Of course I can!" Tavo exclaimed pulling out a gun, "I'm (censored)ing invincible!" Immediately the transformed garuda charged at the hover craft as Twin Drake called out, "Hey wait! DON'T!"
Seeing the dragon like monster charging at them, Beowulf said loading a new magazine into his gun, "(Censored)! He's coming!" "Hold on!" Wisey exclaimed, suddenly shifting the hovercraft up, causing Beowulf to exclaimed as they soared up to the the sky. As they zoomed over his head, Tavo exclaimed "Oh, I get it! BRING IT ON!" before diving down after them. Passing above the trees, Beowulf demanded, "HEY what the heck are you doing!?" "Judging from that guy's behavior, we're dealing with someone who is like a crazed bull. Maybe we can get him to make a mistake!" Suddenly, a beam of energy passed by, tearing the wing to the hovercraft apart. As it fell, Beo grabbed Wisey and jumped off the hover board. Seeing them fall, Tavo exclaimed, "HA HA got em!" before diving after them. Rushing at them, Tavo exclaimed, "DIE!!!" Suddenly a certain heaviness hit Tavo like a ton of bricks. "W-what!?" Tavo exclaimed as he grabbed his throat, "Can't move!" Feeling the same heaviness, Wisey asked, "What the? Beo is this-" "Yeah," Beowulf answered as they appeared to float in the air, "it's the ability I gained from my core. Sure it has a decent range, (*30 meters when dealing with one target, ten steps when dealing with ten or more people), but it is kind of draining." "You punk!" Tavo exclaimed struggling to get his gun as he slowly began to sink, "You're not going to bring me down!" "In your dreams!" Beowulf called out, "As long as I'm here, you can't touch us! You're as helpless as a falling leaf in autumn!" As Tavo roared in anger, a shot was heard causing Wisey to turn and exclaim, "SPIKE!" Turning Beowulf quickly undid the heaviness, allowing Wisey and himself to fall, avoiding an ice spike as it sailed across the sky. "What the (censored)!?" Beowulf exclaimed as Twin Drake came into Tavo's view with one of his spitfire guns smoking. "What took you so long!?" Tavo demanded.

In the present, as he Zoomed through the sky, all Twin Drake could think about was that he had to get away from the Jewel as soon as possible. "HEY!" Tavo exclaimed catching up to the humonculus, "What the (censored) are you doing!? Our target is back there!" "You have no idea what we are dealing with!" Twin Drake exclaimed, tightly holding onto the construct in his arms, "Beowulf is a vicious killer and will stop at nothing until we are dead!" Suddenly a gun shot rang though the air as a bullet hit Tavo in the back causing the two to stop. "GRR!" Tavo growled turning around, "THE (CENSORED)!?" Turning back, Twin Drake saw the hover craft, carrying that crimson devil, flying towards them. "(censored)!" Twin Drake exclaimed before turning to Tavo, "Hey can you still-" "Of course I can!" Tavo exclaimed pulling out a gun, "I'm (censored)ing invincible!" Immediately the transformed garuda charged at the hover craft as Twin Drake called out, "Hey wait! DON'T!"
Seeing the dragon like monster charging at them, Beowulf said loading a new magazine into his gun, "(Censored)! He's coming!" "Hold on!" Wisey exclaimed, suddenly shifting the hovercraft up, causing Beowulf to exclaimed as they soared up to the the sky. As they zoomed over his head, Tavo exclaimed "Oh, I get it! BRING IT ON!" before diving down after them. Passing above the trees, Beowulf demanded, "HEY what the heck are you doing!?" "Judging from that guy's behavior, we're dealing with someone who is like a crazed bull. Maybe we can get him to make a mistake!" Suddenly, a beam of energy passed by, tearing the wing to the hovercraft apart. As it fell, Beo grabbed Wisey and jumped off the hover board. Seeing them fall, Tavo exclaimed, "HA HA got em!" before diving after them. Rushing at them, Tavo exclaimed, "DIE!!!" Suddenly a certain heaviness hit Tavo like a ton of bricks. "W-what!?" Tavo exclaimed as he grabbed his throat, "Can't move!" Feeling the same heaviness, Wisey asked, "What the? Beo is this-" "Yeah," Beowulf answered as they appeared to float in the air, "it's the ability I gained from my core. Sure it has a decent range, (*30 meters when dealing with one target, ten steps when dealing with ten or more people), but it is kind of draining." "You punk!" Tavo exclaimed struggling to get his gun as he slowly began to sink, "You're not going to bring me down!" "In your dreams!" Beowulf called out, "As long as I'm here, you can't touch us! You're as helpless as a falling leaf in autumn!" As Tavo roared in anger, a shot was heard causing Wisey to turn and exclaim, "SPIKE!" Turning Beowulf quickly undid the heaviness, allowing Wisey and himself to fall, avoiding an ice spike as it sailed across the sky. "What the (censored)!?" Beowulf exclaimed as Twin Drake came into Tavo's view with one of his spitfire guns smoking. "What took you so long!?" Tavo demanded.
Inside, Chipp opened the door and looked around. The entire mess hall is like a middle school cafeteria with 28 rows of tables and the main kitchen in the end. In the middle he found only his squad eating on one of the tables, with Chase and Scott on the left and James and Q on the right. Quickly he walked up to the Chipp started, "Come on Wisey spotted- wait, what are you doing here!?" Sitting a few seats away, Eric sat eating a plate of spaghetti. "Oh we found him in the mess hall earlier," Chase answered taking a bite out a tuna sandwich, "He said that he can take us to Guliver town in no time." "But I got a mechanic-," Chipp said, before shaking his head, "*groan* screw it, look we got to move now!" "(Why?)" Q asked, in between sips of a pack chocolate milk, "(We had to stop an entire army last night! Besides we )" "Red Dragon's here." Chipp said flatly causing all four agents to turn to the cesarian. "You're kidding!?" Scott asked, as Eric stopped eating and dropped his fork. Seeing that he's serious, all four immediately got up and all five quickly walked out, leaving Eric behind.
Crashing through the trees, the two Armored Warriors slammed onto the ground as the draken used the heaviness effect to slow the momentum. After getting up, Beowulf noticed Wisey opened up his helmet's face mask and almost hurled onto the ground. "Hey Hey!" Beo exclaimed, walking up to the garuda, "Don't give up on me now!" "Sorry," Wisey apologized as he got up, "Your ability causes havoc the gizzards." Suddenly, Beo exclaimed "MOVE!" as another ice spike landed in between the two. "Shoot!" Wisey exclaimed getting up, "These guys are persistent!" Looking up, Beowulf saw that both Twin Drake and Tavo in the air and said, "I can take out only one of them with my ability but it will leave me weak to the other!" Suddenly Tavo's mouth started to glow as Twin Drake fired a volley of icicles towards the draken. Summoning a G saber, Wisey fired upon the humonculi but Tavo pushed him away and fired upon the garuda via his breath attack forcing Wisey to immediately duck out of the way. "This is like shooting fish in a barrel!" Tavo exclaimed before Twin Drake grabbed his shoulder. "Let's go!" Twin Drake exclaimed trying to pull the transformed garuda away, "We can still get caught in his effect!" Beowulf fired back, causing the two dragons to break away from each other. Cursing, Beowulf reloaded his gun and fired upon the two as Wisey soon shot Twin Drake's hand, causing him to drop one of the spitfires. "Ete!" Twin Drake exclaimed, diving after the pistol. "HEY!" Tavo called out to the humonculus, "The (censored) are you doing!?" Seeing this, Wisey stated, "Say, Beo, did you see that? Beo?" Turning around, Wisey found that Beowulf has suddenly disappeared into the forest. Looking up, Wiesy found Tavo calling out to twin Drake before noticing Wisey alone on the ground.
Sitting in front of the plate of spaghetti, Eric was about to continue when his comm beeped. Pulling it out, Eric asked, "Hello?" "Wind Talker?" The voice asked, "Where the (censored) are you?" Sitting up Eric asked, "21?" "YES YOU- look, where are you now?" "In Buckethead's fortress, are you still in-?" "YES I AM! Get your (censored) back here before I start a massacre!" Sweating bullets, Eric explained, "But the agents may need my assistance! Larly told me-!" "I DON'T GIVE A (CENSORED)!" The voice exclaimed, "Just get over here and help me get rid of these beasts! I can't stand it anymore!" "No! Larly told Rian to stay with the agents and report on whatever they-" "I have my own orders Brat!" The voice growled, "Just be ready to teleport me to court. On my command" "21?" Eric asked. "What is it?" The voice asked. "Will you give Rian back his body back?" "Yeah," the possessed Rian said, "Your friend is going to be okay."
Crashing through the trees, the two Armored Warriors slammed onto the ground as the draken used the heaviness effect to slow the momentum. After getting up, Beowulf noticed Wisey opened up his helmet's face mask and almost hurled onto the ground. "Hey Hey!" Beo exclaimed, walking up to the garuda, "Don't give up on me now!" "Sorry," Wisey apologized as he got up, "Your ability causes havoc the gizzards." Suddenly, Beo exclaimed "MOVE!" as another ice spike landed in between the two. "Shoot!" Wisey exclaimed getting up, "These guys are persistent!" Looking up, Beowulf saw that both Twin Drake and Tavo in the air and said, "I can take out only one of them with my ability but it will leave me weak to the other!" Suddenly Tavo's mouth started to glow as Twin Drake fired a volley of icicles towards the draken. Summoning a G saber, Wisey fired upon the humonculi but Tavo pushed him away and fired upon the garuda via his breath attack forcing Wisey to immediately duck out of the way. "This is like shooting fish in a barrel!" Tavo exclaimed before Twin Drake grabbed his shoulder. "Let's go!" Twin Drake exclaimed trying to pull the transformed garuda away, "We can still get caught in his effect!" Beowulf fired back, causing the two dragons to break away from each other. Cursing, Beowulf reloaded his gun and fired upon the two as Wisey soon shot Twin Drake's hand, causing him to drop one of the spitfires. "Ete!" Twin Drake exclaimed, diving after the pistol. "HEY!" Tavo called out to the humonculus, "The (censored) are you doing!?" Seeing this, Wisey stated, "Say, Beo, did you see that? Beo?" Turning around, Wisey found that Beowulf has suddenly disappeared into the forest. Looking up, Wiesy found Tavo calling out to twin Drake before noticing Wisey alone on the ground.
Sitting in front of the plate of spaghetti, Eric was about to continue when his comm beeped. Pulling it out, Eric asked, "Hello?" "Wind Talker?" The voice asked, "Where the (censored) are you?" Sitting up Eric asked, "21?" "YES YOU- look, where are you now?" "In Buckethead's fortress, are you still in-?" "YES I AM! Get your (censored) back here before I start a massacre!" Sweating bullets, Eric explained, "But the agents may need my assistance! Larly told me-!" "I DON'T GIVE A (CENSORED)!" The voice exclaimed, "Just get over here and help me get rid of these beasts! I can't stand it anymore!" "No! Larly told Rian to stay with the agents and report on whatever they-" "I have my own orders Brat!" The voice growled, "Just be ready to teleport me to court. On my command" "21?" Eric asked. "What is it?" The voice asked. "Will you give Rian back his body back?" "Yeah," the possessed Rian said, "Your friend is going to be okay."
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