Across the threshold: NU RHO GAMMA 05

Across the threshold: NU RHO GAMMA 05(Warning! Gore)

'This was going to (censored) fast!' Katie thought as she and her group fled for cover as the meteors rained on them. The ship was indeed where Voidmond said it was, however, he neglected to warn them about the force field and the three knights guarding the back entrance. "(Censored) it Voidmond!" Katie cursed, "I'm going to kill that bird!" "(Censored)!" Jerry exclaimed, "Who the heck was your inside man!?" Rushing to the ship, Matt ducked behind a tree to avoid several of the orbs thrown by Flip. "Matt!" Katie exclaimed, "Can you knock the shield down with a solo?" Activating the solo burst, Matt aimed and shot at the apparently holographic shield, seemingly destroying it. Unfortunately, when the smoke cleared, the force field remained. Cursing, Matt exclaimed back to Katie, "No good! You need something stronger to knock that thing down!"  

Back on the ship Omnidec exclaimed, sending a wave of energy with his hammerhead staff, "Don't hold back guys! We can drive them off!" After several shots at the agents, Twin Drake looked over to the agents and exclaimed, "Look Omni, we can't hit all of them! We need Tameron and Flaron!" "Look!" Omnidec snapped back, "Verdtrus promised that help is coming. We just have to hold on!" "Seriously!" Twin Drake exclaimed, "If we (censored) up, they will get into this ship, and if they do, Nu Rho will Kill us!" "Just summon some of those sprites if you're so worried!" "Ete and Isabelle aren't suited for combat!" Twin Drake exclaimed after taking a shot at James who quickly ducked behind a tree, "We need something to flush them out." "I have an idea!" Omnidec exclaimed before pulling out a red chip. Giving Twin Drake a look, Omnidec tossed the chip it in the air before pressing the button on his metamorpher, causing said chip to explode in a flash of light. 

Looking at the force field, Matt pondered over on how to knock it down when an idea "Bartch!" Matt exclaimed to the Sirian who was currently using his shield to block gun fire, "Can you smash that shield with your hammer?" "Maybe!" Bartch answered,  "If I can get there, yes!" Katie exclaimed, "Wait, what's the gameplan?" "Well," Matt started "I-!" Suddenly the ground shook as something landed behind them, causing the two to turn to the source. Feeling the landing, Katie looked up and exclaimed, "Oh you got to be (CENSORED)ING kidding me!" "Huh," Scott said, looking up to the monstrosity, "They have a Dragon." Before them was a massive dragon like construct, wings as large as their shuttle's, artificial scales glistening in the sun as Golden spikes line it's body. In its chest was a diamond shaped gem that glowed with energy. Glaring down at the agents, the dragon construct roared as it stomped towards the group.  

In the quarry, the remainder of gamma squad and Blueacon fought against the Bloodhound Squad and the knights while on the cliffs Verdtrus, Chromdraco and Eithine stood watching the battle play out. "I'm surprised that they came in so soon," Eithine commented, "perhaps he should have waited a day or two." "Why did you suggest leaking the old ship plans in the first place?" "Because if Voidmond is going to be trusted by the agents, we need to let them believe that he's on their side," Eithine answered, "besides once this Nu Rho learns of his secret, he'll sure to be more cooperative." "And if he's not?" Verdtrus asked. "We shouldn't have joined them in the first place!" Chromdraco exclaimed, "It's their fault that we're in this mess in the first place!" "Look," Eithine snapped, "if you want to break away from the Red Dragon army, then feel free to do so! I'm just trying to do my end of the bargain, so don't you accuse me for something my superiors did to your children!" Suddenly a flash of light erupted in the distance near the ship. "I know that flash!" Verdtrus exclaimed, "They resorted to using the chips!" "Oh sweet origin!" Chromdraco exclaimed, "That thing is huge!" "Sweet god almighty!" Eithine murmured, "So that's why Black Hermit was so intrested in your technology!" Cursing, Verdtrus commented, "as long as they don't summon that thing again, we should be safe!" Safe?" Eithine muttered, "What is he talking about?" 

Clashing G-saber to blue energy blade, Kaiser and Chipp maneuvered around the battlefield. The two exchanged blows as Kaiser muttered "Come on!" Suddenly he jabbed at his 'father's' counterpart. Jumping back, Chipp swaped the G- Saber into it's gun form and shot at Kaiser, sending the ceasarian flying back on his rear while his blades broke apart in the air. Realizing he lost his blades, Kaiser pulled out his first gun and fired at Chipp, hitting him square in the mouth plate. Falling hard on the ground, Chipp groaned as Kaiser got up and approached the ceasarian with his gun ready. Seeing the smoking remains of his helmet on the ground, Kaiser laughed and exclaimed spitefully, "I nailed him! HA! HOW DOES IT FEEL JERK?" Getting up, the now helmet less Chipp staggered to his feet, exclaiming in pants, "Don't *pant* count me out just YET!" Rushing forward, Chipp, punched Kaiser in the stomach, causing him to drop his gun. Following with an upper cut, Chipp forced the Kaiser back as other battles rang out on the battlefield.

Avoiding Binn's bladed fins, Q shot at the transformed ceasarian as Chase ran, attempting to create distance between him and Tavo who was esger to rip him apart. Seeing Chase running in his direction, Q called out, "(Bro! Leap toad!)" Seeing Q running towards him, Chase lowered his crossbow as Q left over his brother's shoulder using one of his prostectic arms. Quickly Chase activated the Solo burst on his crossbow and aimed at the incoming cesarian. Already too late to move out of the way, Binn cursed in his mind as Chase shot him straight through the chest, sending him crashing into the cliff wall. Tavo did not fair any better as the ducklike Q dropped kicked him in the face, causing the transformed garuda to stagger back while Q fell on his rear. "AH! SON OF (CENSORED)!" Tavo exclaimed clutching his throbbing jaw as Q quickly got to his feet. "(Sorry, all's fair is love and war.)" Q retorted not noticing Tavo's glowing jaw and his quickly approaching brother,"(You'll live!)" "DUCK!" Chase exclaimed suddenly, tackling his brother before Tavo's stream of energy could claim the garuda's head. Tavo was about to let loose another burst when Vandrin crashed into the dragonic garuda. Getting up, the two garuda brothers saw Blueacon into view. "(What you are two looking at?)" Blueacon questioned after noticing their gaze. Getting up, Tavo and Vandrin readied for round two when Binn walked to the two causing Q to exclaim, "(SWEET MOTHER OF THE CREATOR! There's a hole in your chest!)" "Man, shouldn't have done that!" Binn exclaimed as the hole began to close up. "Ah walk it off!" Tavo snapped at the ceasarian, "You had worse!" "(THERE'S A HOLE IN HIS CHEST! HOW ARE-)" "Not now Q!" Chase exclaimed raising his crossbow, "Now's not the time!" Hearing this Blueacon turned to the two eyes wide before the charging Bloodhound Squad forced him to get ready to fight.

Colliding, Beowulf and Voidmond grappled as a burnt gun laid down on the floor. "You're tough!" Beowulf said, gritting his teeth, "For a bot!" "You sure about that?" Voidmond asked before throwing the draken to the ground and pinning him with his foot. "You know," Voidmond said leaning forward, "just because we were made, doesn't mean that we are simply souless machines." Suddenly, Wisey kicked the fake garuda from behind, allowing Beowulf to roll over and get up quickly. "You alright?" Wisey asked, as Beowulf regained his footing. "I'm fine!" Beowulf exclaimed pulling out a second gun, "Wait, were you fighting-?" "Move!" Wisey exclaimed, pushing the draken away before Tarrot could take off his head with the thorny whip exclaiming "GET OVER HERE!" Getting up again, Beowulf turned to look for Voidmond only to find nothing. Suddenly, from behind, Voidmond kicked the draken from the backside of the head causing him to stagger and drop his gun. Quickly as the draken turned to his direction, Voidmond felt a certain heaviness on his body, casuing him to drop on one knee. "This- this feeling!" Voidmond exclaimed. "Not what you expected, did you?" Beowulf said with a laughed as he picking up his gun, "This is the tool of one of the 14 Jewels! The almighty Zero CORE-!" "Rho!" Voidmond interrupted through heavy breaths, "It grants the user the control over movement of anything, right?" Blinking, Beowulf frowned and said, "You did your homework, did you?" "Yep!" Voidmond answered as his hands began to glow, "However, now that I know what core you carry, I know how to beat it!" "What are you- HURRK!!!" Beowulf asked before he suddenly felt the same heaviness as Voidmond felt when the fake garuda rose up and brushed the dust off himself. "Doesn't feel good, huh?" Voidmond asked as Beowulf fell to his hands and feet, struggling to breath, "Rho can reduce heaviness by inducing a heaviness upon a specific target." Grabbing the Draken by the collar, Voidmond lifted the Jewel effortlessly in the air, saying, "A crude way of using the core, admittedly but it's  useful in a pinch!" Struggling to avoid Tarrot's whip, Wisey took a second to check on Beowulf and saw Beowulf held by the collar in Voidmond's grip. Seeing Wisey pause, Tarrot slowly turned to the two FUZOR users' direction. "What the -!?" Tarrot exclaim when suddenly with a quick jab, Voidmond ripped out out a small glowing object from the draken's chest. "BEO!" Wisey screamed catching the attention of all on the battlefield and causing them to see the horrific display before them.

