Across the threshold: Out of the frying pan 02

Across the threshold: Out of the frying pan 02

Entering through the opening and ducking behind the walls to avoid gun fire, the agents and bucket heads looked around as Katie asked, "Bartch, can you bring up the map?" Activating something on his armorizor, Bartch raised his device as a projection of the Grendel blueprints appeared in the air. "Okay," Katie started, pointing to the core of the ship, "Voidmond stated that the ship's bridge right above this hangar." "Hold on!" Jerry interjected, "This Voidmond guy you're talking about, who is he?" "He's one of the knights." Bartch answered, "Apparently he wants to betray the Red Dragon army because they don't." "He wants to join our side?" Primo asked cocking an eye ridge,  "that's awfully convenient." "Hey guys," James said pointing to a shape moving towards them, "what's that?" Looking down the corridor Katie's eyes widened under her visor as she muttered, "Oh you got to be kidding me." Walking into view was 21 armed with a gun and a machete. Suddenly behind the group a gun cock was heard causing the group to turn to find Eric behind them. "Hey, Mrs Kate." Eric greeted aiming the gun to Katie's head, "I'm sorry about this" 

As the three garuda fought against the Blood hound squad, Voidmond raised the glowing hand and the two glowed. Roaring, Tavo raised his claw to slash at Chase when suddenly a heaviness fell upon his body as he and the other members of his squad fell on their knees. "(What the-?)" Blueacon stammered when Q pointed to Voidmond saying "(Guys look!)" Turning, the three found Voidmond walking between them saying to the squad, "Sorry guys, it's a time out for now." "What the (censored)!?" Binn exclaimed. "This Heaviness!" Vandrin exclaimed, "I can't even move!" "Heaviness?" Chase exclaimed before turning to Voidmond, "What have you done!?" "You punk!" Tavo exclaimed, struggling to get up, "What the heck are you- GYAHH!" Suddenly Tavo's form glowed as he shifted back into his garuda form. Immediately he fell to the ground unconscious to his commrade's horror and to the three garuda's shock. "TAVO!" Binn exclaimed, reaching for his fallen comrade. "What is the meaning of this!?" Vandrin demanded before Voidmond pulled out a familiar looking necklace as it luster in the sunlight. Tossing the necklace to Chase, he said, "I swapped out the crystals from within your the necklace. Don't use it until you get back to your ships. Hear from me soon." Suddenly a flash of light erupted from his feet causing the three to shield their eyes from the flash and he, the bloodhound squad, Tarrot and Kaiser disappeared in a flash. Finding Kaiser vanish in a flash of light, Chipp looked around frantically for the cesarian when he spotted the three garuda in the distance. Approaching them, Chipp asked, "How are you?" "We're fine." Chase answered, before looking to the container, "but what is that?" "GUYS!" Wisey exclaimed, carrying the wounded Beowulf, "Beowulf's down!" 

Approaching the groaning Beowulf, Chipp demanded, "What the heck just happened!?" "That Voidmond guy just ripped open Beo's chest!" Wisey answered, trying to stop the bleeding, "After that they just left!" Cursing, Chipp turned to Blueacon asking, "Are there any hospitals in town?" "(One.)" Blueacon answered, "(but I'm not sure if we can make it in time.)" "Oh bull!" Beowulf exclaimed attempting to get up, "I can move just fine!" "(You're chest looks like a gorged pumpkin,)" Q said attempting to help, "(you know that?)" "Shut it duck-wad!" Beo exclaimed, "I can move just-ack!" Suddenly the draken coughed up blood as he his head fell back on the ground. "Don't move smart Alec!" Chase ordered before summoning his hover craft, "Wisey, Q, give me a hand here." Summoning the hovercraft, Wisey and Chase grabbed Beo's shoulders as Q and Chipp lifted the draken's feet "(Come on!)" Q said as he and Chipp helped Wisey lift the draken onto the craft, "(Up we go!)" "(I know where the hospital is.)" Blueacon stated as he turned back into a garuda, "(It's between Glenn street and Beck road. I can take you there.)" "I'll try to meet back up with Katie's group." Chipp said pointing to the ship, "If the knights were expecting us, then Katie and the others may need help." "(No offense but you look like (censored)!)" Q stated plainly, "(How are you going to even get there without getting killed?)" Pulling out the Gatemakers belt, Chipp answered, "I'll just use this!" "I'm coming as well." Chase said turning to Q ordering, "Q, go with Wisey and Blues here and get Beo to the hospitable before he bleeds to death." "(Blues?)" Bleacon asked, as Wisey and Q moved Beo on the hovercraft towards the exit, "(What? are we going by nick names now?)" "Don't , just get that blue psychopath to the hospital!" Chase answered before he and Chipp ran towards the Grendel. Turning to the exit, Blueacon paused a bit before following the two garuda as they left for the exit of the quarry. 

In a flash the the members of the group who have met Chipp's group earlier found themselves in the weapons room as a confused Bulker stood near a table. After looking around the building Kiaser turned to Voidmond who took off his helmet. "What the heck man!?" Kaiser demanded, "I almost had Johnson!" "We were supposed to keep them busy." Voidmond answered,  "That's all!" "Wait, what's going on?" Bulker asked getting up, "What happened?" "Voidmond sabotaged us!" Binn said reverting back to his ceasarian form, "He did something to Tavo!" "He'll be fine!" Voidmond answered, "A little pressure on a few nerves and a fellow blue blood will return back to normal, even if they are a bootleg." "Bootleg!?" Vandrin exclaimed getting up and turning back into a sirian, "Who do you think you are!?" Turning to Vandrin, Voidmond answered raising his hand as it glowed, "A fellow bootleg. Hey Dr Bulker?" "Yes?" Bulker asked as he and Binn lifted the unconscious Tavo from the ground. "Thanks for the new FUZOR." Voidmond said motioning to the black and gold F.U.Z.O.R. around his waist. "You're welcome." Bulker said wary of the fake garuda. "Oh, Kaiser, " He then said motioning to the finished red belt on his table, "Your belt is ready." Looking to the finished scarlet belt, Kaiser grinned as he picked it up. "Finally!" Kaiser exclaimed laughing, detaching his belt and attaching the scarlet belt on his waist, "It's time for an upgrade!" "Glad you're eager," Voidmond said, "Because we're coming back out." "What!?" Vandrin exclaimed, "Why did you stop us in the first place!?" "One of their men is wounded." Voidmond explained, "Is it not fair to let the enemy to evacuate their wounded? Besides, I need that draken alive!" "What are you after Voidmond?" Tarrot demanded. "I already told you." Voidmond answered motioning to the door, "G Zero's redemption! Let's go meet the enemy team!"

Running towards the front of the Grendel, Chipp, Gatemakers brace and belt already attached, and Chase sneaked along the rocks when suddenly gunshots in rang the woods along with the distinct sound of roaring in the distance. "What the (censored)!?" Chipp muttered leaned towards the sounds. Suddenly, flying through the air, Matt slammed on to the ground in front of the two. "Hey Matt." Chipp greeted helping Matt up. Groaning as he got up, Matt turned to Chipp and, "Oh hey Johnson. Where's everybody else?" "Voidmond brought a welcoming party." Chipp answered helping the ursan up, "Now Beo has a hole in his chest so we have split the team. You?" Suddenly Scott came down the cliff side in front of the three exclaiming, "Dragon! RUN NOW!" "Wait." Chase stated, as Scott broke off in a sprint, "Dragons don't-." Hearing a roar the three looked up to see the now (censored) off Dragon construct emerged from the cliff raising his now singed wings. "Oh." Chase said as the construct glare down at the three, "(CENSORED!)" Immediately the three followed Scott as the Construct roared after them before falling off and landing hard on the ground. "GOOD GRIEF!" Chipp exclaimed as the four ran for a cave on the other end of the canyon, "It's 14-B! over again!" "OH SHUT THE (CENSORED) UP!" Chase exclaimed as construct stomped after them, "JUST MOVE IT!" 

Finding Eric on the other end of the Corridor, Kaite said, "Hello Eric. Working with knights now are you?" "We have our orders." Eric answered solemnly, "We have no choice." "All enemies must be destroyed!" 21 exclaimed waving the machete at the group, "There's no changing that!" "If that is the case," Bartch said, raising his hammer "I'm sorry for what is about to happen." "Bartch what are you-?" Katie started when Bartch smacked the hammer a 21's face, causing him to drop his weapons. "Rian!" Eric exclaimed before  Hoot shot the catira in the chest, sending him flying. "Hoot!" Katie exclaimed, turning to the garuda, "What the heck!?" "Sorry, I  had to act fast!" Hoot stammered, "Don't worry, it was set on stun." "Why you little-!" 21 growled getting up, "You're going to pay for that!" Seeing this, Bartch summoned his G saber exclaiming, "GO! I'll take on this monster! I'll follow after you!" "Hoot?" Katie said turning to Hoot, "Get everybody to the bridge, now!" "But-!" Hoot started but Katie exclaimed "Go!" Hesitantly complying, Hoot and the bucketheads ran down the corridor as Katie laid Eric near the hole. Walking to his side, Katie said, "Bartch, you're going to die if you fight alone, let me help!" "Katie..." Bartch muttered before Omnidec and Flip appeared behind the hole. "Oh," Omnidec said, as they climbed inside, "you need help?" "Back off private!" 21 exclaimed picking up Bartch's hammer, "These beasts are mine!" Suddenly 21 then charged at the two agents before the humonculi could respond. 

