Across the threshold: Out of the frying pan 03
In the air, Twin Drake watched as two of the agents broke off running as one of the their comrades slashed fruitlessly on the construct's back while the other just stood there. "What the heck are they doing?" Twin Drake asked himself, "It's like they're planning something." As his eyes followed the path the two runners were taking, they widened as he found one of the old abandoned machines those workers left when they were driven out by their ship's approach just days ago. 'Oh no you don't!' Twin Drake thought reading his spitfires, 'Not today!' Suddenly a burst of red light caught his eye causing him to turn to it's source. "What the (censored)?" Twin Drake exclaimed, watching the red light envelope Chipp in a blaze of light, "What is that guy doing!?" As the light dissipated, Twin Drake, found a more heavily armored figure had replaced the helmet-less agent who was enveloped in the light.
Seeing 21 rush towards them, Katie and Bartch quickly ducked out of the way before 21 swung the stolen hammer at their heads. Quickly, Katie shot at the monster from behind, but the entity remained standing before turning to her direction. After being sent flying back a few feet via hammer, Katie got up to see Bartch following suite as he landed next to her. "Is this the best you got!?" 21 exclaimed planting the end of Bartch's hammer, "I expected better from the best of Mars!" "Katie," Bartch asked turning to the catira, "when we last fought this monster, did anything harm him?" "He was probably wasted when those meteors nearly killed us," Katie said, "but he had Eric with -MOVE!" Suddenly 21 slammed the hammer on the floor forcing the two to move out of the way of the shock waves emitted by the hammer.
Escorting Raidos to a safer location underneath, Tameron and Flaron felt the halls shake as a loud bang rang though the air. "What is that!?" Raidos exclaimed gripping her spear as she looked up. "(Censored)! I swear-!" Flaron muttered before grabbing the deer woman's hand, saying, "Come on! We need to get to the pods, now!" "Pods!?" Radios exclaimed, "What the heck are you talking-?" Suddenly another loud bang shook rang through the air cutting her off. "Do you want to stay when the roof caves in!?" Flaron exclaimed pulling Raidos, "Let's go!" As the three ran towards their destination down the hall, they stopped when Bulker and Binn suddenly appeared near the end carrying Tavo in their arms. "What the-!?" Tameron exclaimed, "What happened!?" "Your friend happened!" Binn answered, before noticing Raidos, "Aren't you supposed to be in the med bay?" As an answer, another loud bang rang through the air as the roof shook, followed by a voice exclaiming "Holy smokes! He just dented the floor!" "Flipp!?" Tameron exclaimed, "What the heck is he doing up there!? He's supposed to be around back!" Soon he broke off in a sprint exclaiming "EVO!" as transformed into his more larger state. "Where are your going?" Flaron called out, "The pods are that way!" "Just go on without me!" Tameron called back, "I'll be back before you know it!"
Rolling from the impact crater, Bartch shot at 21 but the entity just raised his hammer forcing Bartch to raise his shield when suddenly a flash of pain flared in his head, causing him to drop the hammer. Seeing this Omnidec turned to Flip saying, "Get Eric out of here and run!" "What are you-?" Flip started before Omnidec pulled out his hammer headed weapon and leaped in. As 21 roared grabbing his head, both of the agents aimed at him. "What's going on?" Katie asked as Bartch narrowed his eyes in recognition. Suddenly the sound of footsteps caused them both to turn to see Omnidec smack the G Saber out Bartch's hand. "Bartch!" Katie exclaimed before blocking Omnidec's weapon with her G-saber. Recovering his G-Saber, Bartch also grabbed the hammer when 21 suddenly fell to the ground, reverting back to Rian. "Odd," he muttered, turning to his comrade, "What was that?" Bartch was about to join the fray when a loud thud rang followed by running. Turning around, Bartch found Vandrin running towards him fully transformed and bearing a combat knife.
Carmine armor now interlaced with machinery, Chipp looked up to the construct and moved to pull out a summoning card but found a device with three buttons where the card holder should be. "Huh!?" Chipp exclaimed, "Where's the!?" Pressing the button, a large cannon materialized in his hand. Looking at the weapon, Chipp muttered, "this is new." Looking upwards Chipp aimed the gun at the writhing construct and fired a shot. The round exploded against the thing's skin, causing it to stagger back with Scott holding on for dear life. Recovering from the recoil, Chipp exclaimed, "Sweet god almighty! Who made this thing, the military!?" Soon the construct glared at the ceasarian for a second before swinging at him with his claws causing him to exclaim, "Gack! Guys get that thing working already!"
Reaching the massive machine, Matt pried the door open as Chase readied his cross bow. Noticing Chase, Matt exclaimed, "Chase what the heck are you doing?" "What do your expect me to do?" Chase answered, "I can't let a purple faced maniac like you get killed!" "You got a way of putting things, you know that?" Chipp said before suddenly a blast shattered the window of the drill cannon causing to two to look up. Flying towards them Twin Drake unleashed a volley of blaster fire, shooting holes into the Drill cannon. Firing back Chase exclaimed "I'll watch your back! Just get that behemoth ready!" Moving inside, Matt opened up a compartment underneath the console, and began to quickly hot-wire the vehicle while Chase desperately shot at Twin Drake. Finishing, Matt pulled the starting lever, causing the machine to spurt to life. Seeing this, Twin Drake cursed and threw two chips towards the machine. Clattering to the ground, the chips glowed and flashed, causing two constructs to materialize out of it's light. "Ah Frax no!" Chase exclaimed activating a Solo Burst on his crossbow, "Not today!" Aiming the crossbow, Chase fired upon the two constructs, reverting them back into chip form. Gritting his teeth, Twin Drake soon pulled out two more chips and said, "Okay. Ete, Isabelle I'm counting on you two!" Inserting them into his spitfires, Twin Drake aimed at the machine as two dragon heads began to materialize around his arms. Looking up, Chase turned to Matt, exclaiming "MATT! GET THE (CENSORED) OUT OF THERE!" Seeing Twin Drake, Matt cursed as he jumped off of the machine with his weapon before the humonculi fired two bursts of energy upon the vehicle, causing it to explode.
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