Across the threshold: Out of the frying pan 04

Across the threshold: Out of the frying pan 04
"DANG IT!" Matt exclaimed punching the ground, "Now what do we do!?" Looking to the panting Twin Drake in the air, Chase looked down to the machinery around and found a second Drill cannon parked nearby. "There's a second one that way!" Chase exclaimed, pointing to the machine, "Go now! I'll hold off our flying friend off!" Seeing the Drill cannon, Matt gave a thumbs up and rushed towards the machine, cannon in hand. Noticing Matt running to the machine, Twin Drake aimed his guns towards the ursan before a blast of electrical knocked him out of the sky. However, before he could hit the ground, a gyser of sand caught the humonculus in the air. Stopping momentarily to look back, Matt exclaimed "It's that guy again!" As the gyser disapated Twin Drake blushed as he found himself in the arms of Tarrot, who unceremoniously dropped the humonculus just as quickly as he arrived. "Watch what you're doing next time." Tarrot chastised before turning to Chase. Seeing the humonculus turn his way, Chase aimed at Tarrot when they heard roaring from the the distance. Turning to the source, the combatants found the construct stomping towards the Grendel as Chipp flew above aiming at the creature   

Seconds before...

Seeing the Machine explode Chipp cursed as he shot back at the construct above him, causing the giant construct to swipe at the ceasarian. On the construct's back, Scott, seeing the explosion, cursed in his head when a thought crossed his mind Exclaiming, "KARDNA!" Scott vanished and reappeared on the bow of the Grendel. Summoning his rifle like gun, Scott activated the solo burst and fired on the back of the construct's head. "HEY SCALY OVER HERE!" Turning, the construct roared and started to move to the Grendel as Chipp watched in confusion before quickly shaking his head and looked onto his weapons, findinga switch on his arm. Pressing it, a pair of thrusters poped out of the back ofhis suit. "Huh, interesting." Chipp said as the thrusters began to start up, "let's do this!" Flying above the construct, Chipp shot at it causing the construct to look up and roared at the cesarian, tossing a rock at him. Finding the switch for solo burst, Chipp flipped it and aimed at the construct, pulling the trigger. Suddenly a metallic voice exclaimed, "Hyper Solo Burst!" as the cannon shot a massive beam of orange energy enveloped both the rock and the construct.

As the light vanished, the construct stood for only for a few seconds when suddenly the draconic entity deteriorated into data before reverting back into it's chip form. Seeing this, Tarrot cursed and raised his whip to grab the two chips on the ground. "Hey!" Chase exclaimed before a dust devil appeared around the two humonculi, before they disappeared within a tornado of sand. Cursing, Chase lowered his crossbow before turning to Chipp who was flying towards the garuda. Landing near Chase, Chipp was about to say something when Scott teleported in between them. "Yeow!" Chipp exclaimed jumping back, "Don't do that!" Approaching the group, Matt exclaimed "What the heck was that!? That dragon tanked blasts from before!" It must be the belt." Chipp answered raising his gun, "Though, to be honest, I am uneasy about what this could mean for the future though. Comega on, Katie and the others are going to need us!" "Wait, where are the the others?" Scott asked, "weren't you supposed to be keeping the heavy hitters busy?" "I'll explain on the way!" Chase said as the four ran to the Grendel. 

Entering into their destination, a room that contained a series of stasis pods with terminals, Binn and Bulker carried the unconscious Tavo towards one of these pods as Flaron and Raidos watched on in concern and confusion respectfully. "So this is what you did to old the pod room." Flaron stated looking around, "Not a fan of the tubes though." "Oh suck it up fire-spitter!" Binn snapped back to the humonculus, "We weren't the guys who refurbished this old pelican! Besides, these pods allow us to heal quickly so we don't have to stay in the recovery ward." "How do you think Binn came back after being deep fried?" Bulker followed up, slapping the pod, "It also let's us store crew members in case in case if anyone dies on our ship." "Deep-? Wait, so you store your own crew like rations?" Flaron asked crossing her arms, "Where's the sense in that!?" Raidos, looking around the room, noticed one in the end with red lining. "Look lady!" Binn said, "Your friend just did something to Tavo and we're trying to fix the situation!" Walking towards it, she asked, "Hey, if these pods hold people, who's in that one?" Looking up Bulker answered, "Oh, don't open that one. He's for emergencies." "Emergencies?" Raidos muttered turning around, "Like what's going on right now?" "Maybe," Bulker said walking to one of the other pods which contained a figure, "but we do have other options, like this reckless guy over here!" 

As Binn closed Tavo's pod, Bulker typed a command on the keypad, causing the connected pod to open up, revealing a numian of a slim figure rise out and looked around. Turning to Bulker, he asked, "Bulker? What's going on?" "We're under attack Rick." Bulker answered pulling out a bronze x-injector with a blue trim, "So we need all hands on deck ready to repel the intruders." "Is that-?" Rick said taking the device from his larger comrade. "Yeah." Bulker answered as rick grinned as he got out of the pod, "We have several ready just for you and the others just in case of such an event!" Looking to the others Rick asked, "So who are the broads?" "Broads!?" Raidos exclaimed as Flaron cocked an eye under her mask. "Broads?" Flaron asked, "Is that supposed to be soldier lingo?" "She's part of Verdtus' team," Bulker explained, "a fellow comrade." "Oh okay, the Requiem Knights, I get it now." Rick muttered before motioning to Raidos, "Her too?" "That's Raidos of the Battle Maidens." Bulker explained causing Rick to turn and asked, "Oh man, really?" "Yeah really." Binn answered patting the numian's shoulder, "Come on! The others need us." Suddenly Binn, with some strain transformed into his fish-like monster form causing Raidos to yelp. "Wait," Rick asked, "so this is what became the bloodhoud squad? Man what happened to you?" "Project X," Bulker answered "That's what happened!" "Huh," Rick said attaching the X-Injector, "whelp, let's do it!"

At the door of the bridge lift, the remaining agents and Bucketheads grouped by the frame. Hoot quickly open the terminal as James turned to the two Bucketheads who appear to be uneasy. "You alright sirs?" James asked causing the two to turn to him. "We're alright son." Primo answered with a solemn look, "Just wished that things could have gone differently." "You wished things could have gone differently." Jerry pointed out, "I'd rather if we just lock these wackos up and throw away the key." "Me too!" James exclaimed cheerfully, "A bad guy is a bad guy." "Lad..." Primo said before Hoot piped up, "We're just giving them 10 year probation, even if they do deserve the slammer." "Probation!?" Jerry exclaimed, as he and Primo turned to the Garuda. "Is this from your inside man?" "Yeah," Hoot answered, "though some of us do have our suspicions. AH here we go!" As the door opened, the four entered and Hoot then moved to the terminal on one end. Hot-wiring it, he said, "Alright we should be able to get on there in about just a minute." "Agent," Jerry asked, "is there anything else we need to know before we get closer into enemy territory?" "Well, the leaders should be on the bridge, so if we take them, if we're lucky, we should be able to stop this when we-" Suddenly the door opened, revealing an empty bridge. Cursing Jerry turned to Hoot and demanded, "What the (censored) is this!?" "(Censored)! He said that they would be here!" Hoot exclaimed, "They must have evacuated when we attacked from behind." Cursing Jerry threw one of the chairs onto the ground as Primo approached the garuda asking, "This guy, Voidmond, was it? Is there anything he has told you that you have not told us already?" Suddenly, a console beeped as a small holo-disk appeared popping out from a hidden compartment. Removing it from the console Hoot turned it on and after looking at it's contents, the group's eyes widened in disbelief as Hoot exclaimed putting a hand to his head, "Holy smokes! They have a freaking fleet!" "Savior almighty!" Primo exclaimed, "That is enough ships to ignite a second five year war!" "(Censored)!" Jerry exclaimed, "Isn't one war enough for those cold bloods!?" "We need to get this to the others, no, to the military immediately!" Hoot exclaimed. "Hey guys!" James exclaimed pointing out of the screens on the console "Look!" Seeing what's on the screen, Hoot exclaimed grabbing the console, "KATIE!"

In the halls under the bridge, Katie clashed with Omnide G-saber to hammer as Batrch sent Vandrin flying back with his hammer, having holstered his G-Saber to his belt. "I know you're not going to back down," Bartch said brandishing his hammer, "but I will knock you unconscious if I need to!" Gritting his fangs, Vandrin pulled out his knife and hissed, "Don't talk! It only distracts!" Suddenly, he bit his knife before lunging at the siran before him, slashing at the breast plate. Staggering back as bit, Bartch readied to retaliate when suddenly he felt something burn on his chest causing him to groan loudly. Looking down, Bartch exclaimed, "Oh, oh on!" as he saw the venomous substance carved on his chest. Getting up, Vandrin made another slash cutting the gauntlet of on Batch's right arm, causing the venom to burn through it. Looking to his opponent, Bartch swung his hammer at Vandrin only for the transformed sirian to jump out of the way and take another two slashes, this time nicking Bartch's shoulder and back. 

Seeing Bartch's , Katie kicked Omnidec away and tried to run to the sirian's aide when a pearl flew past her face. Turning to Flip, Katie squinted at the humonculus before Omnidec smacked her upside in the head, causing her to fall forward. On the ground Katie looked up and rolled leftward, before Omnidec could cave in her head with his hammerhead. Quickly getting up, Katie switched G Saber in Sword mode slashed at the humonculus in the side, almost cutting through his armor. Feeling the cut made to his armor, Omnidec groaned as he turned to the catira before Flip exclaimed,"OMNI!" before running towards his fellow humonculus' side.  Turning to the two, Katie found Flip trying to help his comrade and noticed the black blood spilling from the humonculus's wound. Cursing Katie was about to switch her weapon back when she heard Bartch exclaiming behind her. 

Droping to one of his knees, Bartch spun around only for Vandrin to cut his leg, causing the armored sirian to drop to his knee. Gritting his teeth, Bartch pondered 'I can't catch him. He's fast! I need to change tactics!' When Vandrin moved in for another strike, Bartch swung his hammer, catching the snakenoid sirian in the stomach. Falling on his stomach, Vandrin blinked and was about to get back up when a metalic voice rang "SOLO BURST!" Turning Vandrin found the panting sirian, struggling to stand up. Suddenly he felt something warm stick to his stomach and looking down, saw a plate humming with energy. Suddenly feeling himself rise in the air, Vandrin grabbed his knife and tried to remove the plate when he noticed Bartch running towards him, hammer ready. Slaming his hammer to the circular plate, Bartch sent the transformed sirian flying back, landing hard on the ground. Getting up, Vandrin could only mutter "Maria!" before falling back and exploding in a flash of light, leaving the burnt and yet somehow breathing form of Vandrin. "I hate it when I have to do that." Bartch said panting before falling on his knees. Rushing to Bartch's side, Katie asked "Bartch how are you holding up?" Before the sirian could answer, the two heard the door at the end of the corridor slam open revealing Tameron in his Evo form. Seeing his fallen comrades on the ground, Tameron demanded "Where's Flip!?" 

