Across the threshold: and into the fire 03
"What do you want?" Beo demanded as the three Jewels stood in the room with both of the bucketheads and the agents standing on the sides. "Xibalba wants us to increase our efforts to destroy Verdtrus." Lugh explained, "Something he claims you are too incompetent to do so by yourself." "I was sidelined by these jokers for over the last week!" Beo exclaimed motioning to the agents, "Blame them not me!" "Hold on!" Hoot exclaimed, "We were just trying to sort things out an-" "It's alright we understand." Rox assured, "It's Jewel policy to be more, intimidating, like throwing someone out of a window as a fear tatic." Turning to Primo, he said, "Don't worry, that rarely happens." Looking to Lugh, Primo asked, "What is your purpose here anyway besides intimidating hospital staff?" "To steal my job, that's what." Beo answered abruptly, "Verdtrus is my target, not yours!" "We understand," Lugh stated, "but our orders were clear, 'Eliminate Verdtrus and bring back the NULL Units dead or alive.'" "Excuse me," Bartch started as he sat up in his bed, "but if you wanted Verdtrus dead, why are you doing this now?"
"A Gel unit? Under Verdtrus' command?" Wira exclaimed as he and Terminus stared down both Omnidec and Voidmond, "That's impossible!" "No it's not, what I said is true." Voidmond said lifting his hand as Omnidec looked behind him, "I know this may sound crazy, but I need you to listen to me and-" "Omni!" Twin Drake called out as he, Rick, and Binn reached the two knight, "Are you-?" Immediately Twin Drake, upon seeing Terminus and Wira behind him, froze in place. Noticing this, Omnidec called out, "Hey!" "Two JEWELS?" Twin Drake managed to mutter before Rick exclaimed "Holy (censored)! That guy is huge!"
Reaching the two battle maidens, Blueacon exclaims, "(You're not getting that thing!)" "Oh HO!" Kaitres exclaimed, "I never expected to fight you again!" "You're that thing who sided with those mongrels!" Kuriuno exclaimed pointing to the transformed garuda, "You will pay for your insolence!" "Blueacon!" Chipp exclaimed as he reached the trio, "Seriously, you got to stop rushing in like that!" Looking at the ceasarian, Bluacon, with a huff, simply stated "(I'm not a part of your little police force so don't drag me into your little posse!)" "HEY hot stuff!" Kaitres called out, "How about we have a rematch, One on one?" Looking to Chipp, Blueacon asked, "(What happened to your armor?)" "I gave the device to form that armor to one of my teammates to hunt that creature." Hearing this, Kuriuno glared at the two martians and stated, "You are going to pay for your insolence!" Raising her bow, the maiden began to pull back when the sound of running reached her ear. Looking back, Kuriuno, along with Chipp saw Flaron running towards them. "What the heck?" Chipp asked as the homunculus reach the four. "You're not releasing that thing!" Flaron exclaimed, raising her staff at the cervinae woman.
Seeing the surprise on Rick's face, Terminus turned to Voidmond and demanded "Who are these interlopers?" "They're just comrades!" Voidmond blurted out before motioning Omnidec to them, "They're just harmless!" "Harmless?" Binn muttered before Omnidec ran to them, asking, "Hey! Why are you three here?" "Your boss sent us to see if you're okay." Rick explained before turning to Terminus "Who's that dude?" "Not sure," Omnidec answered, "he must be a Jewel though." "Jewel?" Binn asked, "Odd name for a dude that size." "We have to get away!" Twin Drake muttered walking back, "They're going to kill us!" "HEY!" Omnidec exclaimed catching the homnuclus by the shoulders, "They're not going to kill us! Voidmond is, erm doing something with them."
"This has nothing to do with you girl!" Kuriuno snapped back, turning to the homunculus "Leave or be destroyed!" "Over my dead body!" Flaron answered. Immediately Kuriuno fired an icy arrow at the homunculus who suddenly shot a fire ball form her staff, evaporating the arrow entirely. Surprised by this, Kuriuno readied another arrow when a thought crossed her mind. Turning to Kaitres, she called out "Sister, destroy the interlopers! I have mongrel to kill!" "Good luck!" Kaitres answered as she then walked towards Chipp and Blueacon. "So you are one of those elementals those mongrels were talking? I never seen anyone other than my sister use fire before." Kuriuno asked. Bakore's chip in her staff, Flaron answered, "Not really. I'm just borrowing something from my comrade."
"Sorry bill boy!" Kaitres called out approaching the two martians, "Looks like it's two on one today." "She has a shield on her." Chipp warned, "So we need to-" Suddenly Blueacon charged at the deer woman causing Chipp to exclaim, "HEY! I'm not done yet!" Grinning Kaitres began to laugh as she charged at the transformed garuda with her massive blade on her shoulder. Seeing this Chipp grunted and called in his comm, "Chase, is anyone else coming to join in?" "I see that Tameron guy heading this way." Chase warned on the ceasarian's comm, "Be careful!" "Got it." Chipp stated summoning a G saber, "Just keep an eye out just in case if anyone gets through." At the wreckage, Chase laid in a sniper's position with his crossbow as he watched Tameron ran towards Flaron. "Wonder how Katie and Matt are doing."
"Get back here you little (censored)!" Matt exclaiming as both he and Katie chased after the creature as it dashed through the halls of the ship, "Man this guy is fast!" "Yeah," Katie agreed, "but why bring something like this if all it does is run?" Suddenly the creature made a turn down the hall, much to the two agent's frustration. "Oh no, you don't!" Katie exclaimed as she rushed ahead, only to freeze when she turned around the corner, "What?" "Katie!" Matt exclaimed reaching the Catira, "Hey why did you- oh." Before them the two found a massive room with several rows of metal blocks, Tank drones and combat drones. "Man, these guys brought an army!" "I know," Katie stated, "but can;t stay here, that creature could still be here Matt. Matt?" Turning she found the ursan inspecting the control pannel attached to the wall, much to her chagrin. "Matt!" Katie called out, "What are you doing? We have a monster to catch!" "Most of these drones survived the crash." Matt explained, "Meaning, that if we leave them here, there could be a chance that the knights or those maidens could use them to attack the town so..." Suddenly he shot at the panel, causing sparks to fly from it "why don't we put an end to that?" "Al right good, but can we go now?" Katie asked, "That thing still running around!" Walking to the catira Matt stated, "Yeah, with the control panel busted, nobody's gonna wake these guys up any time soon!"
"Is Marca still in Jewels?" Voidmond asked, causing Terminus's eyes to widdened, "Can you please tell him that the requiem knights mean him and his son no harm?" "How do you know my dad name?" Wirsa asked, poking his head from behind Terminus's cape, "" "We- we had a history." Voidmond answered, "He was a friend of mine." "Friend?" Terminus asked cocking his head, "Then how come I never heard of you?" "Well he-" Voidmond started before a massive explosion was heard off in the distance. "What was that?" Terminus asked, before Wira ran to the cliff's edge, "Wira!" "It's those people on the ground!" Wira exclaimed pointing to the battle below as all ran to see what was going on.
Dodging the swing of Kaitres' blade, Blueacon quickly used his blades to wrap around the deer woman's blade and ripped it out of the deer woman's hands. "HEY! That's not fair!" Kaitres complained before Blueacon moved to slash at her with his whip blades. Quickly, she raised her arms to guard her face as a force field materialized around her. Watching his blades bounce off the force field, Blueacon called out, "(You're one to talk! Complaining about disarming your opponent not being fair when you brought a shield!) " "Wait what?" Kaitres asked before Blueacon began to rapidly whip at her shield. Watching this, Chipp turned to the other two combatants. Rushing at Kuriuno, Flaron leaped to strike at her with her staff when the deer woman brought up her shield, stopping the blow. "What?" Flaron muttered, "How did she-?" "Elysium has gifted us with many abilities!" Kuriuno explained, preparing another arrow "Abilities too great for mongrels like you to comprehend!" Quickly dodging the arrows, Flaron shot another fire ball at the deer woman, only for the projectile to fizzle out instantly. "Oh come on!" She muttered before Chipp shot at Kuriunos from behind, appearing to cause damage to the deer woman. "What the!?" the deer woman stated before turning to the ceasarian. Quickly she turned to Kaitres saying "Kaitres! I told you to kill him!" "Sorry!" Kaitres exclaimed holding up her shield against Blueacon, "I'm busy." Taking note of what she saw, Flaron fired a fire back at Kuriuno's back, catching her by surprise and causing her to fall to the ground with a burn mark on her back. Seeing this, Kaitres exclaimed "Sister!" before shooting the shield out in a small wave, knocking Blueacon off his feet as the deer woman grabbed her massive sword and rushed to her sister's aide as Flaron readied another fireball.
Reaching the mess hall, Katie opened her visor and took a whiff at the air around them. "Trying to smell him out?" Matt asked. "Yeah," Katie answered, "Infrared's not picking him up." Opening his visor as well, Matt said, "Oh he's here all right! He's that way!" Pointing to the kitchen, He said "There's something familiar bout that smell but I can smell that thing's breath a mile away." Closing their visors, the two slowly made their way to the kitchen where Matt commented "Man most of this stuff is utilitarian." Walking towards the cabinets in the back room, Katie motioned to Matt who nodded and unclipped a vial from his belt. On it was a symbol of a web in glowing light. Silently, Katie moved to open the cabinet when an explosion was heard outside. "Holy (censored)!" Matt whispered, "What the heck was that?" Suddenly the creature smashed through the cabbinent doors, sending both Katie and Matt to the ground. Quickly getting up, the two attempted to give chase when the creature leaped over the counter and into the mess hall. "Oh come on!" Katie exclaimed as she and Matt left the kitchen, not aware of a cat like shadow following them.
Falling on her back from the explosion caused by Kaitres destroying the fire ball, Flaron saw the deer woman rushing at her with her massive sword. Finding her staff on the ground, Flaron rolled towards it before the massive sword before it could pierce her. Grabbing the staff, Flaron shot a fire ball at Kaitres only for the deer woman to adsorb the attack into the mirror attached to her blade. "What!?" Flaron exclaimed, "how did that happen!?" "You like it?" Kaitres exclaimed, "My blade gives me the ability to control fire through my wonderful little mirror! Speaking of which-" As her blade suddenly erupted into flames, Kaitres swung at Flaron, who leaped back unaware that Kuriuno was readying another arrow. "Ready yourself mongrel!" Kuriuno muttered, "Death comes now!" Suddenly she felt the barrel of Chipp's G Saber press against her head. "That's enough!" the ceasarian called out, "drop your weapons and raise your hands in the air!" hearing this, both Flaron and Kaitres turned and the later froze in shock. "Why did you follow us here?" Flaron demanded raising her staff to the ceasarian, "All we want to do is survive!" "We came here because we have a job to do." Chipp answered, "And we know of your connection to the Red Dragon army as well." Hearing those words, Flaron recoiled as Chipp continued, "They have a history of taking advantaged of people like you and then throwing them away. If you surrender now, I promise that we do everything we can to give you amnesty and protection from the Jewels as well." Suddenly, Tameron appeared calling out "Flare!" Reaching the female homunculus, Tameron turned to Chipp and raised his spear at the ceasarian. "Are you alright?" He asked Flaron, "Don't worry I brought help!" "Help?" Flaron asked before an untransformed Kaiser and Raidos walked into view.
"Nice to see you again old man!" Kaiser called out as he cracked his knuckles, "I was hoping for another crack at you, but there's someone who wants to talk with you guys!" Seeing Kaiser Chipp asked, "Chase, is there anyone else coming?" "No." Chase answered, "I'm coming to your location." "No stay there!" Chipp ordered, "We still need someone guarding the ship!" "Hey old man! We want that thing dead too you know!" Kaiser called out, catching the older ceasarian's attention, "We're an army, not criminals!" Wincing, Chipp watched as Blueacon came forward and asked motioning to Raidos and the dumbstruck Kaitres, "(Then why are you working with the maidens then?)" "Don't know." Kaiser answered with a shrug, "Maybe it's to repair our ship. We have you agents to thank for that!" Quickly Blueacon turned to glare at Chipp before Raidos interjected, "I was attacked and left for dead at the border. And it was thanks to these people that I survived. The only reason why my sisters are here is because of me." "You see?" Kaiser said motioning to the deer woman with a smirk, "All we were doing was just protecting this little lady, so you have no right to attack us." "We didn't know about that." Chipp said, "Besides, you still attacked several cites across the planet, which means you're not off the hook yet!" Smirk fading, Kasier revealed his X-Injector saying, "Looks like it's war then." "Wait!" Raidos interjected, "We don't have to do this!" "(Oh that's rich coming from you!)" Blueacon said pointing to her, "(You were the ones who started this war in the first place!)" Hearing Chase's wind rider overhead, Chipp turned to Blueacon, saying,"Easy Blues! We're greatly outnumbered here!" "(Shut it!)" Blueacon said unlocking his blades, clattering as they fall to the ground, "(Just keep your eyes on the game!)" On the cliffs recognizing the combatants on the ground, Omnidec asked, "Wait, what the heck is going on?" "It looks like they're about to fight again!" Rick answered watching the fight with a pair of binoculars, "I bet Kaiser is going to wreck shop with that blue guy!" Looking to Wira, Omnidec pondered, 'Is that kid who I think it is? It can't be.'
"Flaron!" Tameron whispered, "I have my metamorpher attached into my shield, if they try anything, I'll blow them all sky high!" Looking to the device attached to the shield's hilt, Flaron asked, "You ran out of time energy again did you?" "Yeah?" Tameron asked, "But don't worry! I still have my armor so I'm still able to fight!" Remembering all those times Tameron got into trouble because of her, Flaron asked, "Why are you doing this?" "What?"Tameron asked, "What do you talking about?" Suddenly a massive bang was heard in the distance causing all present to turn to the vessel behind them. Quickly running into the light the creature from within ran out revealing it's black carapace in the high noon light. "Chase," Chipp asked in his comm, "Please get the (censored) down here now!"
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"Chase, Please get the (censored) down here now!" |
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