Across the Threshold: Requiem's Nine part 3
"TOU" |
"SEN" |
"Well you certainly took your time!" Omnidec said as he transformed into his armored state. "Let's just say I ran into some trouble on the way here!" Beowulf said before firing a few shots from his hand gun. "YOW!" Omnidec said he ducked out of the way as his armor deflected a few bullets. Suddenly Beowulf was knocked forward as both Tarrot and Twin Drake tackled him from behind. As he slid to the floor, he got up and pulled out two silver requiem chips, making Omnidec say "Wait where did you get-" But before he could continue Beowulf inserted them in his FUZOR device. As a blue light emanated from it two wire frames begin to materialize into two forms. One red with a v like crown and the other blue with cannons on it's shoulders. "Take care of the Null Units!" Beowulf commanded "I'll take down the leader." The duo soon turned and rushed at Tarrot and Twin drake, the former loading up two chips of his own. One burst of light later, a silver, robotic, Knight-like figure and the red reptilian that Bakore had squashed earlier appeared and began to attack, the former using a rapier to stab at the red construct. "GUILRUS SMASH!" The red reptilian said body slamming the blue cannon construct. "Huh, that's new!" Omnidec said before equipping his own weapon. He changed it into a rod form with a large hammer on each side, and moved to slam Beowulf against the wall, only for Beowulf to duck out of the way and uppercut the armored homunculi, sending him flying towards the roof.

Outside, the four newly birthed constructs busted through the wall, causing the heaviness field around the CPDF agents to fall. Taking advantage of this Chase slowly got up and turned on his armorizer and transformed into his armored form. Katie and Matt both got up as well and began their transformations as well, the former covered in green holographic wind and the later covered a gray holographic pillar. Katie in green armor and in Matt in blue armor, joined up with Chase as he charged at the four constructs. The construct Gilrus noticed Chase and said "YELLOW BIRDIE SMASH!" as he batted the blue cannon construct aside. Gilrus smashed into Chase and sent him flying backwards falling flat on his rear. He summoned his shield after a single card swipe immediately as it felt the rapid rain of claw strikes from Guilrus as Matt and Katie engaged the blue cannon construct as it got back up. Matt after one card swipe materialized a huge G- saber like weapon and swung it at the blue construct who ducked and fired the cannons by it's shoulders at point blank, sending Matt staggering back a few feet. Katie brought out a G.Saber and started to slash at the construct who blocked her blade with it's arm, the clang catching the attention of the red construct who kicked his "fellow man" in the stomach, and ran to the three combatants and attempted to do a dropkick in Katie's direction. Fortunately Matt grabbed the red construct's leg and threw him to a nearby wall, dropping his weapon in the process. The blue construct responded by firing the cannons on his shoulder, nearly hitting both his comrade and Matt in the process. Chase meanwhile was holding up his shield and was struggling to to swipe his card as Gilrus kept pounding ferociously until chase managed to do a single card swipe. Imediately Chase let let go of his shield and used his legs to push it and Gilrus back a few meters before unloading a volley of electrical bolts causing Gilrus to short out and form back into his chip form. "No host huh," Chase said rushing inside. "Hey wait," Matt said blocking a punch by the red construct, "wait for us!" He then slashed two cards, one summoning a set of large metal bear claws and the second calling out "SOLO BURST!" before slashing the construct in the torso, deforming him as well. Katie, having earlier picked up Matt weapon slashed a solo burst card on the weapon itself, causing the blade to glow green. She then raised it and slashed the blue construct in the middle, leaving the construct materializing into a chip as Katie and Matt rushed after Chase as he went inside the building. On the ground where the constructs's chips lay two blank Humonculi forms are seen lying on the ground besides them, lifeless as the buildings beneath them.
"Wo hah!" Omnidec said placing his hand on his helmet, steadying himself as his temporarily blurred vision clears up to reveal Tarrot in throwing jabs at the ever dodging Beowulf. Twin Drake was also throwing in jabs trying to get his spitfire within close range for maximum damage. "Wait a second, I stabbed him in the back! How is he-" then he saw the blue glow fixing not only the stab wound "oh, that." he said smacking his helmet. He lowered to the ground and picked up his weapon and walked towards the combatants. Seeing that three on one are unfair odds, Beowulf called out "Hey guys I didn't-" but before he could continue, Tarrot smacked him on the side of his helmet, making it crack at the impact. As he staggered back, Beowulf's helmet suddenly opened up to reveal Beo's face. "So," He said "three on one, not odds I like." He then pulled out a flash bang. "How about we shake things up!" he said tossing it and in a flash of light Beowulf, closing eyes, rammed into Twin Drake and the two broke crashed into the room where Mordecai was working on the interloper earlier, bringing a table down with them. The two combatants got up and Beowulf pulled out and activated a beam saber as Twin Drake pulled a second spitfire. Suddenly Twin Drake starts to fire a rain of shots only for Beowulf to roll out of the way extremely quickly. Unfortunately for Beowulf, Tarrot was behind him about to smash the poor lizard man into a bloody pulp with a giant fist made of the debris around the building. However Beowulf hoisted his beam saber upwards, stabbing into Tarrot's mid section only for him to turn out to be a sand clone as it collapsed on top of him. "Aw son of a MRRPP!" Beowulf said, taking a mound of sand to the face. "GRRRAHHH! Geeez!" he said bursting out of the pile, coughing, visor now closed, "Is it hard to ask for at least ONE-" and Tarrot sucker punches him in the face with a mean left hook.
To be Continued

Outside, the four newly birthed constructs busted through the wall, causing the heaviness field around the CPDF agents to fall. Taking advantage of this Chase slowly got up and turned on his armorizer and transformed into his armored form. Katie and Matt both got up as well and began their transformations as well, the former covered in green holographic wind and the later covered a gray holographic pillar. Katie in green armor and in Matt in blue armor, joined up with Chase as he charged at the four constructs. The construct Gilrus noticed Chase and said "YELLOW BIRDIE SMASH!" as he batted the blue cannon construct aside. Gilrus smashed into Chase and sent him flying backwards falling flat on his rear. He summoned his shield after a single card swipe immediately as it felt the rapid rain of claw strikes from Guilrus as Matt and Katie engaged the blue cannon construct as it got back up. Matt after one card swipe materialized a huge G- saber like weapon and swung it at the blue construct who ducked and fired the cannons by it's shoulders at point blank, sending Matt staggering back a few feet. Katie brought out a G.Saber and started to slash at the construct who blocked her blade with it's arm, the clang catching the attention of the red construct who kicked his "fellow man" in the stomach, and ran to the three combatants and attempted to do a dropkick in Katie's direction. Fortunately Matt grabbed the red construct's leg and threw him to a nearby wall, dropping his weapon in the process. The blue construct responded by firing the cannons on his shoulder, nearly hitting both his comrade and Matt in the process. Chase meanwhile was holding up his shield and was struggling to to swipe his card as Gilrus kept pounding ferociously until chase managed to do a single card swipe. Imediately Chase let let go of his shield and used his legs to push it and Gilrus back a few meters before unloading a volley of electrical bolts causing Gilrus to short out and form back into his chip form. "No host huh," Chase said rushing inside. "Hey wait," Matt said blocking a punch by the red construct, "wait for us!" He then slashed two cards, one summoning a set of large metal bear claws and the second calling out "SOLO BURST!" before slashing the construct in the torso, deforming him as well. Katie, having earlier picked up Matt weapon slashed a solo burst card on the weapon itself, causing the blade to glow green. She then raised it and slashed the blue construct in the middle, leaving the construct materializing into a chip as Katie and Matt rushed after Chase as he went inside the building. On the ground where the constructs's chips lay two blank Humonculi forms are seen lying on the ground besides them, lifeless as the buildings beneath them.
"Wo hah!" Omnidec said placing his hand on his helmet, steadying himself as his temporarily blurred vision clears up to reveal Tarrot in throwing jabs at the ever dodging Beowulf. Twin Drake was also throwing in jabs trying to get his spitfire within close range for maximum damage. "Wait a second, I stabbed him in the back! How is he-" then he saw the blue glow fixing not only the stab wound "oh, that." he said smacking his helmet. He lowered to the ground and picked up his weapon and walked towards the combatants. Seeing that three on one are unfair odds, Beowulf called out "Hey guys I didn't-" but before he could continue, Tarrot smacked him on the side of his helmet, making it crack at the impact. As he staggered back, Beowulf's helmet suddenly opened up to reveal Beo's face. "So," He said "three on one, not odds I like." He then pulled out a flash bang. "How about we shake things up!" he said tossing it and in a flash of light Beowulf, closing eyes, rammed into Twin Drake and the two broke crashed into the room where Mordecai was working on the interloper earlier, bringing a table down with them. The two combatants got up and Beowulf pulled out and activated a beam saber as Twin Drake pulled a second spitfire. Suddenly Twin Drake starts to fire a rain of shots only for Beowulf to roll out of the way extremely quickly. Unfortunately for Beowulf, Tarrot was behind him about to smash the poor lizard man into a bloody pulp with a giant fist made of the debris around the building. However Beowulf hoisted his beam saber upwards, stabbing into Tarrot's mid section only for him to turn out to be a sand clone as it collapsed on top of him. "Aw son of a MRRPP!" Beowulf said, taking a mound of sand to the face. "GRRRAHHH! Geeez!" he said bursting out of the pile, coughing, visor now closed, "Is it hard to ask for at least ONE-" and Tarrot sucker punches him in the face with a mean left hook.
To be Continued
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