Across the Threshold: Requiem's nine part 9 3/3
At Gash
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Kafe's True Power |
Meanwhile, Flareon and Chipp were locked in their own struggle as they glared at each other. Chipp broke the lock by kicking Flaron away. "Stand down!" Chipp said holding the G Saber at eye distance to her face. "I'm sorry, but no!" She said as she inserts a dark pale blue chip in her transformation device. Suddenly a cloud noxious gas appeared, covering Flaron within it's smog. "Hey!" Chipp said before Flaron's staff pounded him in the stomach. Chipp recoiled but got up and tried to retaliate but every slash only cut through just fog. "Shoot!" Chipp said and called out "You can't run you know!" He then draws a card and was about to swipe it, but then he heard a loud thud. "What the!?" Chipp said looking around frantically not knowing what has happened. for a few silent minutes he then heard another thud and suddenly a snap of chains above. Immediately he looked up to see a light fixture falling. "SON of- " Chipp yelled before moving out of the way as the platform crashed onto the ground. He then saw Flaron's siloutte moving from light to light cutting through chains and wires, sending fixtures and crates crashing on to the ground forcing Chipp to scramble for cover. "Shoot shoot SHOOT!" He said as he leaped from one place to another, avoiding avoiding the falling items. Chipp looked up again and tried to shoot at Flaron, but he couldn't hit the humonculi correctly, bullets barely hitting their target. Flaron looked around as the gas started to dissipate. "Not good! " She said as she saw Chipp looked up at her and shot at her, missing when she dodged the bullets. She then noticed the large fan spinning lazily over Chipp. Chipp also noticed this fan and warned to her "Don't!" Flaron just looked him and just looked back at the fan before jumping over and slashing the fan's support beam, causing it to fall. "SON OF A GUN!" Chipp said running towards cover as the fan crashed on top of shelves, destroying crates and equipment. Flaron surveyed the carnage and saw Chipp trapped under the broken remains of some crates. Jumping down, she started to walk away but Chipp called out "Wait! Stop!" Flaron stopped and turned, saying "We are in a tight spot alright! Not only that we have a potential destroyer of worlds out there so I don't want to die by his hands." Is it G Zero? The quote on quote 'SAVIOR?'" After sneering at the guy, she imediately spun around and began to walk off. "I guess that is as a yes. Wait!" Chipp said but Flaron was gone before he could say anything else.
Tameron and Q both crashed through cardboard boxes sending peanuts flying through the air. "Ok PAL you're going down!" Tameron said as he broke away from the sword lock that they were in moments before. He directed his lance at Q and charged, only for Q to dodge and throw his shield at the humonculi. It hit Tameron's shoulder causing him to drop his weapons. "(Now's my chance!)" Q said and brought out a pair of cuffs. He ran towards the humonculi but Tameron got up and grabbed the lance and attached his device to it. "Dont make me use this!" He warned raising a yellow chip. Q walked slowly towards him, Kepping his G saber raised and said. "(I know you can't understand me but that's not going work!)" Tameron said "Oh I can understand you all to well, You wouldn't like me when I use my chips." This catches Q's attention but he shakes his head saying "(Regardless you're not going to frighten me with-)" But before he could finish Tameron inserted the chip and the lance started to glow blue. Tameron fires a few shots, forcing Q to use his shield to block the spike fire. Q then rushed the knight and smacked him in the face with his shoulder. Tameron stumbled back a few steps and cursed in Juntawanese. He then noticed that he had dropped his lance. 'He's going to smack me again is he?' thought the humonculi before Q smacked him again with the shield. Tameron fell onto his rear but he rolled out of the way before Q brought his G saber down on him. Picking up his shield and his lance, he produced a green chip and inserted it into his transformation device. "Okay... you've asked for it!" Suddenly, Bakore's sword landed in front of Tameron, diverting his attention long enough for Q to smack him in the helmet with his shield. Tameron fell hard on the ground with a resounding thud. He touched his helmet, feeling the now hard crack made by the . He looked up and asked "Did You just smack me in the face with a SHIELD?" Q did not answer as he pointed his G saber to the humonculi's face. Suddenly a cloud of smog passed over the two and before Q knew it, Tameron kicked Q's legs, causing him to fall on his rear before as smog appears. Tameron paused for a few seconds "Oh time to go! See ya later, duckboy!" He said as he vanished into the smog as Q tried to get up.
As the dust covered clouds the ground Bakore surveyed the terrain for any survivors. "Where are they? I swear those yellow Ba" Suddenly heard Flaron {BAKORE WE'RE MOVING!} He growled "I'll show you what for you defective-" but Flaron continued {I HEARD THAT!} Bakore then growled before flying away. When the dust clears, Scott and Kafe lay on the ground, the former's armor dissipating and Kafe turning back to normal. "OW!" Kafe said to himself getting up "Great! Now he getting away!" Scott got up as well and said "Don't worry I can still-" Suddenly both heard a massive boom as Bakore disappeared in a flash of orange light. "What the heck was that?" Kafe said.
Jekk entered a conference room with a circular pad. He flicked a switch, turning on the lights and opened a drawer. Pulling out a remote, he turns on the pad where a hologram of a blue robotic figure appears. His body consists of curves and speakers. "Echo Wave." Jekk said. "//Greetings Sargent//" The figure said in a cold robotic voice "//I've heard about the interlopers, why did you stop their mission?//" "They want to collude with the CPDF." Jekk said sternly, "Somehow, they learned about our connection to the red dragon army." "//You should have been more honest with them.//" Wave responded, "// If you did they would not have been so pensive towards the truth. I recommend you to not remove the Requiem knights from their mission.//" "Why?" Jekk asked "You know that traitors colluding with the enemy !" "That is irrelevant. We need the knights to collect the all 12 of the Items for Project D.X. I must also add that G Zero seems to be a major threat." "That humonculus is nothing but a scare tactic. Project D.X. will continue as planned with or without them." Wave's digital eyes narrowed and said " Where did this come from? You seem to be acting to rashly, are you alright?" "Yes." Jekk growled turning around, his eyes flashed gold for barely a second "I am alright."
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