Across the threshold: My name is Voidmond 01
In the morning, landing on the platform, the CPDF shuttle opened up to reveal Chipp and the others leaving the ship as the rest waited for them. In the main office, with all nine agents with Beo and James, Chipp asked Katie, "So that's what are we dealing with Katie?" "Yes," Katie explained, "Hoot intercepted a 911 call from two days ago describing a dragon like man with a group attacking her home." "Shoot!" Chipp said, "They must have stopped by before heading to Gash!" Matt asked out loud, "What's the game plan?" "I think we should send a full team." Scott suggested, "It may have been three days already, but according to police we may have a problem here!" "Let me go!" Chase pipped up, "My sharpshooter skills can help out!" Chipp turned to the garuda and stated "with all due respect, after your little stunt, I'm not willing sending you without-." "Proper supervision?" Beo interrupted with a smile. "ENOUGH!" Katie exclaimed, "We made bad calls! Alright! We need to focus on what's at hand here!" "I agree." Bartch said, "I suggest that Katie will take the lead here. She is the most level headed of all of us." "Well," Beo said to himself, "what lousy situation we're in!" "(Why is he here?)" Q asked Wisey who answered with a shrug, "As a consultant maybe?" "How about we send three guys there." Hoot suggested, "I mean that if it is just a monster, I'm sure we can handle it right?" "If so we need skilled fighters," Matt stated "Scott for sure, so the other two need to be people we can trust." "I'm volunteering for sure!" Chase said, "Like it or not, I'm coming along." Chipp was about to say something but Scott stopped him, "Fine!" He said, "but you follow my lead got it?" "Fine by me!" Chase said and then asked, "Whose number three." "I'll go!" James stated "I can hold my own and-" "Fine," Scott stated, "But stay close to me alright?" "Scott! He's not-" Chipp started but Scott said "I'll watch over him. He just needs a guiding hand." "What about me?" Beo asked arms still crossed. Chipp turned to the draken and said "You stay here for sure! We have some more questions for you. From what I heard from Katie, two of your friends attacked my teammates!" "Look," Beo said sitting down, "I have the most experience here! My Rho core can freeze anything in their tracks." "Yeah, at our expense!" Matt responded. "Look!" Beo said "The Nu core allows me to accelerate my body in order to counteract my Rho core. If you can find a way to do the same for you guys, then we can overrun the Null Units." "What do you mean?" Katie demanded. "You know, slowing them down with intense weight while we finish them off." "We don't kill people!" Chipp told the Draken who shrugged and said "Fine. Do what you feel is right. I'm just trying to do my job!" "(I better go as well)" Q said shrugging, "(I know Chase and I want to watch his back.)" "I want to come as well!" Wisey stated, "It was my fault losing for losing the device." "Fine." Chipp said "But we will provide backup if things get hectic." An hour later, watching shuttle flying towards Caleum city outside, Chipp stood on the roof as others entered inside. "Are you alright?" Bartch asked, approaching the ceasarian. "Scott," Chipp said, "I hope you're right." "What?" Bartch asked, clearly confused. "I'll explain inside." Chipp explained, "Let's go!"
In Caleum City
"I can't believe this!" Louise said wrapping Bakore's arms in gauze, "I'm trapped with a maniac and a killer robot!" "Oh come on!" Voidmond said, "I'm still new to this! It's not everyday you have to scrounge up a new identity in order to blend in to society!" "That's not an excuse!" Mordecai said helping Louise, "You choke a guy in the open! What did you expect to happen?" Louise pulled the Gauze tightly causing Bakore to groan. "Oh shut up!" Louise said, "After what you guys pulled yesterday, I wouldn't be helping you if my life wasn't on the line!" "What's that supposed to mean!?" Bakore demanded. "You attacked a museum!" Louise answered, "And for what, to help some World conquering millita get some artifact?" "Look! I had to do it to save my boss! Plus it was under renovations, so not many people were there in there in the first place!" "Wow, that makes me sound like a nitwit by comparison!" Voidmond said with a laugh, causing Bakore to leap up and grab the fake garuda by the collar. "You got something to say punk!" Bakore said before wincing in pain, dropping Voidmond in the process. "Careful!" Mordecai said, "Your wounds haven't healed yet!" "Where's the gauntlet?" Bakore demanded. "It's gone." Mordecai explained "I had to drain it when powering the F.U.Z.O.R." "Well," Voidmond said, "it looks like you need to be patched up first!" "Lizard boy!" Bakore said to Mordecai. "Mordecai." The draken answered. "Whatever! Can you fix my metamorpher?" Bakore asked. Looking to the device's direction, Mordecai stated, "Um, I don't think I can fix that kind of thing instantly. I need to understand the device's inside and out." "Then do it!" Bakore demanded only for Louise to slap him. "Don't talk to him in that tone of voice! He's trying to help you." Voidmond said, "Speaking of F.U.Z.O.R.s, you finished it right?" "Yeah?" Mordecai said "It's never been used before though." "Do you think you can use it?" Voidmond peered on. "What?" Mordecai asked. "Huh, what are talking about?" Bakore agreed starring daggers at the Humonculi. Mordecai pondered a bit but Louise broke it by saying "Stop it you two! Mordecai don't listen to them, you already done enough of what they asked." "I get it." Mordecai stated, "But what if the F.U.Z.O.R. doesn't work or what if it explodes? It has to be tested some time." "Wait! That's for Verdtus!" Bakore stated sitting up. "Look, he has a core, that means he eligible for using the F.U.Z.O.R.'s power." Voidmond explained, "Who else is going to use such a powerful device? Some green clad madman leading a bunch of children to kill their own flesh and blood?" "You SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Bakore said bolting off his seat and punching the false garuda square in the face. "YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A (CENSORED) ROOKIE! WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF VERDTRUS!?" Wiping his beak, Voidmond responded "More than you know Rubban." Bakore's eyes widened as he asked, "What the (censored) did you call me?" Voidmond rose up and told the humonculi, "I'll tell you this, where I'm from men like you are nothing more than cannon fodder, so appreciate what you have in life if I were you." Louise and Mordecai stared at the two before Voidmond left through the door. "I'll talk to him." Mordecai said.
Outside several minutes later
Landing on one of the ports, the CPDF Shuttle opened up before the plat form in a hiss. Exiting the craft Scott told the group, "We are going to head to the place where the call was made, Chase do you know where it is?" "Yeah, it's in Diver Road. 24618." Chase said sending the coordinates to Scott, "I We can take the front while you take the back ""No, I need your sniper skills, there is a tower nearby and you can snipe at the enemy to all your hearts content but only when I give the signal, alright? Q get him there and come to the apartment when your done, I will need your help!" Scott said and turned to James, "James, Wisey, I want you to stay with me, I may need your help." "Got it!" James said. "You can count on me!" Wisey said. Chase muttered something and said, "Come on Q!" before running off. "(Alright.)" Q said following the garuda. "(You are going to try something stupid are you.)" Q asked when he catched up to him. "What makes you say that?" Chase asked. "(You always try something on missions.)" Q said, "(You need to control yourself.)" "Let's just get to the tower." Chase said. "So what are we going to face!" James asked as he, Wisey, and Scott walked on the streets. "I don't know for sure." Scott said, "But we need to keep our guard up and stay together. Who knows what could happen in these times."
Soon reaching the apartment, Scott, Wisey, and James saw the front gate had several police cars in front as well as some that are destroyed, planted in the walls of nearby buildings. "Geez!" James said, "What could have caused this!" Suddenly a catira policeman flew across them and slamming into a nearby squad car. "Looks like their security measure." Scott said and approached the policemen the commissioner. The commissioner was a 40 year old Garuda with an appearance of a falcon. "Hey!" Scott called out catching the commissioner's attention away from the officer he was speaking to. "We're with the CPDF." Scott said, pulling his badge out, "We can help you with your problem." "Excuse me." The commisioner said to the officer before approaching the two. "What is your business here?" He asked the two, "We are in a very precarious situation here and we can't " "We received word that someone had called for police due to the reemergence of a dragon like figure." "We think that they are related to the guy's who attacked Barkley's." Wisey elaborated. "I'm sorry to say that we haven't made a dent in approaching the apartment. Fortunately, most of the inhabitants were evacuated before hand." The commissioner stated, "Do you think you can take the building from behind? We tried to go from behind but a second monster would drive us off. Chief Gackton is leading the charge. We can take the front." "You sure?" Scott asked. "Yes." The commissioner stated as two more armored figures fly over their heads. "I doubt it!" Scott said rushing the creature. "James! Wisey! Take the back!" "Got it!" James and Wisey stated starting to go back.
Entering the national trades tower, the two Garuda went up to the desk and Q asked the secretary "(Hi we are with the Cross Planetary Defense Force, can we speak with your manager?)" "Oh yes sure!" The secretary said before leaving to get the manager. "(Bro, You okay?)" Q asked. "No, not really." Chase said, "Did you remember the five years war?" "(Yeah.)" Q said "(Who doesn't.)" "When I was a child, I lived in Terra Aera, a city like Caleum, throughout my child hood. Dad was an officer back then, and he fought to make sure everyone was safe, no matter who or what they are. However when the Red Dragon army attacked Terra Aera, they not only harm the people, but they harmed refugees from their own planet as well. I wasn't angry because of the reptilians, I am angry because every year, I am reminded of that day when my home was destroyed and how red Dragon treated their refugees." "(Sorry to hear that bro but, the the manager is here.)" Q said pointing towards the manager coming in. "Hi Yall!" A peacock like garuda said entering the room, "My name is Maurice. How can I help you today?" Shaking Maurice's hand, Chase said "Hello my name is Chase Johnathan this is my brother, We are wondering if we could use your tower."
Soon reaching the apartment, Scott, Wisey, and James saw the front gate had several police cars in front as well as some that are destroyed, planted in the walls of nearby buildings. "Geez!" James said, "What could have caused this!" Suddenly a catira policeman flew across them and slamming into a nearby squad car. "Looks like their security measure." Scott said and approached the policemen the commissioner. The commissioner was a 40 year old Garuda with an appearance of a falcon. "Hey!" Scott called out catching the commissioner's attention away from the officer he was speaking to. "We're with the CPDF." Scott said, pulling his badge out, "We can help you with your problem." "Excuse me." The commisioner said to the officer before approaching the two. "What is your business here?" He asked the two, "We are in a very precarious situation here and we can't " "We received word that someone had called for police due to the reemergence of a dragon like figure." "We think that they are related to the guy's who attacked Barkley's." Wisey elaborated. "I'm sorry to say that we haven't made a dent in approaching the apartment. Fortunately, most of the inhabitants were evacuated before hand." The commissioner stated, "Do you think you can take the building from behind? We tried to go from behind but a second monster would drive us off. Chief Gackton is leading the charge. We can take the front." "You sure?" Scott asked. "Yes." The commissioner stated as two more armored figures fly over their heads. "I doubt it!" Scott said rushing the creature. "James! Wisey! Take the back!" "Got it!" James and Wisey stated starting to go back.
On the porch
Mordecai walked outside and noticed Voidmond standing on the railing, watching the brawl playing out before them. Noticing the fight, Mordecai approached Voidmond and before he could say anything, Voidmond saying "I apologize for my crudeness, I wanted to be as efficient as possible in order to fulfill my mission." "What?" Mordecai asked. "I was sent here by my mast- no my bosses sent me to save a lot of people, one way or another." "Sorry, but killing G Zero is Verdtrus' thing, not mine." Mordecai explained as he gripped the railing, "I just want to leave this mess behind." "Well, your doing a freaking terrible job at it." Voidmond said turning to the Draken, "You are currently my only-" "Look! I am not putting on the stupid belt!" Mordecai said turning to the fake garuda "If you want someone to use the device, then ask Verdtus. He's willing to-" "Do what?" Voidmond asked, "He's more bolder than you, I get that, but I doubt he's a good leader! What has he done for you that warrants your help in the first place? Safe passage? Protection? Friendship?" After pondering this for a spell, Mordecai answered "I owe him that's all. He saved me from the Jewels" The huonculi turned to the battlefield and stated, "I am not going to lie, I do want you to take the F.U.Z.O.R. but for my own reasons. Also there's a ship coming." "What?" Mordecai asked. "A big one right there." Voidmond said pointing to a spot in the sky. Not seeing anything, Mordecai asked, I don't see it." "It's cloaked but I can sense a huge amount of energy within it. I assume it's going to be here at any moment I think." "Ohh.... SHOOT!" Mordecai said before running towards Louise's home.
To be continued...
To be continued...
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