Across the threshold : War Blues 06

Across the threshold : War Blues 06

Walking outside the ship Flaron wandered around the quarry before sitting down on a rock a good click away from the ship. Pulling out her violin, she played a solemn tune which echoed through the quarry. Suddenly a series of crunches caused her to spin around to see Tameron moving towards her awardly. "You doing alright?" he asked sitting on a rock next to her's. "What happened to our lives?" She asked, "First we were alone as we worked odd jobs, and helped the people in our village, but now here we are, stealing artifacts for a group that may be using us." "I know that things are bad now, but you are a natural born leader. You defended our home when I was knocked unconscious and you were the one who led the farmers to hunt down that monster boar. You even kept most of our team in check when Verdtrus was away. Heck, you even stopped an assassin! " "What if that was taken from Gera?" Flaron asked, "She was an excellent leader before-" "Look, you couldn't control yourself back then, besides you are not like Gera." Tameron said, "You are more responsible than she is." "She was a pirate!" Flaron pointed out, "She stole from the people and look what are we doing!" "Oh come on!" Tameron said, We have people at home to worry about." "Tameron," Flaron said, giving him a critical look "we are stealing artifacts from a planet we lived in all our lives just to kill a force of nature. That doesn't make any sense! *sigh* I'm trying to wanted to make sense of all this."  "Well, to be honest," Tameron said, "I don't know why we're doing this either, but whatever happens, I promise not to leave you." "Hmm.... yeah." Flaron murmured as she started to play her violin again, causing Tameron to comment, "you play beautifully you know." Flaron smiling at this, said, "Thanks!"

In the weapons development room, Bakore walked in and calling out "Hey! Anybody there?" "Oh hello!" A male numian called out from his desk, "Are you Bakore?" "Err yeah, Verdtrus said that I should meet with you." The numian was a massive figure as he hunched over his latest project, "Yeah, I heard what happened yesterday and I wanted to speak with you for a bit." "Sure," Bakore said leaning on a desk, "What the heck was that belt?" Turning around, the numian answered, "Well, here's my question, are you familiar with Chemical X? Oh, I have chairs by the desk if you need it." Looking to the chair to his right, Bakore quickly brought it out and sat backwards leaning on the back. "Not really," Bakore answered, "Should I?" "It's basically like oil." The numian explained, before seeing the look of confusion Bakore's face, "You know, what vehicles use as fuel?" "Oh," Bakore said, "like the crystals spaceships use to run in the magazines." "Ye- yeah, okay like that. Chemical X is basically like the crystals, is mostly used to power vehicles and equipment, like the land skimmer in the hangar. However unlike other fuels, it can be used on the body as well, but it comes with certain risks. It is raw power in crystalline form and too much can overload the body causing adverse effects on one's mind and body." "So what?" Bakore said, "I took in Requiem energy before, so I can handle it." "Yes, your body has adapted to this energy thanks to the metamorpher, but Chemical X is an entirely different beast all together. As it is strange for me to say, Requiem energy itself is the refined energy form of Chemical X." "What?" Bakore said, "You're joking!" "I'm not, the metamorphers you use, primitive as they are, rely on the energy emitted by the chips you use in battle. I believe that since you have been so used to the refined Requiem energy, your body would naturally reject the the raw form of said energy." "So I need to consume this Chemical X to use that belt?" Pointing to the scarlet belt sitting on the table. "Oh yes but your belt is over there." The numian said, pointing to the red belt to the table on the right, "But you need to be careful, it has an addictive quality that could waste you harder than any drug you can take." "Thanks," Bakore said, "by the way what's your name?" "My friends call me Bulker," The Numian said, walking away from a finished F.U.Z.O.R., "I am the weapons developer of this vessel."

In Guliver town, Matt waited by the ship as Hoot and Bartch arrived. "What took you so long?" "Seriously!?" Hoot exclaimed in pants, "I don't have a motorcycle card like some people!" Bartch rolling his eyes asked, "How are the others doing?" "They haven't responded yet and Katie is trying  to make contact." Matt explained as they walked inside, "She's also looking for Eric." "We met him." Bartch stated. "Yeah he literally vanished into thin air saying that he can help Chipp and the others." Hoot explained, "Also those fire poles are a pain!" "Fire poles?" Matt asked before shaking his head and saying, "Look we can't move until we know for certain what's going on." Katie, checking the terminal third time called into the mike "Echo echo! Chipp can you read me?""Katie!" Matt called out, causing the catira to turn to the three. "Oh hey Bartch, have you seen Eric?" Kaite said, checking the terminal "Yes," Bartch answered, "he's on the battlefield now." Turning to Bartch, Katie exclaimed, "He's what!?" "He claimed that he was going to help Chipp and the others, and after that he just vanished." Bartch explained. "(Censored)!" Katie said, palm in the face, "First Rian now Eric!" "Huh?" Batch said confused. "Rian ran off after Eric vanished," Matt explained, "We assumed that he was following Eric." Getting a bad feeling, Bartch said, "I met Rian when I looked around the city. He had a strange glow to his eyes when I confronted him." Turning around, Katie looked at the sirian in confusion. "Glowing eyes?" Matt asked, "What are you saying he is, a cyborg?" "Maybe," Bartch explained, "But Kafe's eyes also glowed when transforming as well." "Bartch, You and Hoot stay here. I want you two to try to contact the others, Matt and I will look for him. Where did you find him?"

Meanwhile at Fort Buckethead, as Scott and Chipp got up, James ran up to them, "Guys are you alright?" "Yeah! We're-" Chipp said before the sound of clanking feet rang in the distance. Turning the three agents saw a massive horde of tank-like drones in the distance marching towards the fortress. "(Oh you got to be (CENSORED)ING KIDDING ME!)" Q exclaimed as Chase took out the last of the basic combat drones. Clay, exclaimed to the buckets on the ground, "Get the railguns ready!" Wisey, after shooting down a drone, asked Clay, "Wait you have railguns?" "Wisey! Stay in position!" Chase called out as he started to shoot at the tank like drones, "(Censored)! You need a bazooka for this (censored)!" Activating the solo burst function on his electric crossbow, Chase fired a blast of energy upon.the horde before them causing a crowd size explosion. "Wow!" Clay exclaimed, "Why didn't you use that for the start?" "Too many Solo bursts will drain the equipment," Chase explained "and eventually it would leave us sitting ducks." "(Tell that to his hover board!)" Q exclaimed firing upon the tank drones. Ignoring the jab, Chase continued to fire upon the horde.

 "What the!?" Scott exclaimed, "What the heck are those!?" "Hey!" Kaitres exclaimed in a distance catching all three agent's attention, "I want to kill you all!" "The (censored)!?" James exclaimed, "Were you the one who shot us down?" "Nah," Kaitres said, "but you all seemed strong, and I want to fight!" "I'll be your opponent!" Scott said walking towards Kaitres, explaining "I'm the strongest member of our team and I can provide you a fun time." "Sorry!" Kaitres said, pulling out her massive blade, smiling, "I plan on taking all three of you!" before slashing at the sirian, sending him flying back. "Scott!" Chipp exclaimed as Scott fell back with a gash crossed from his right hip to his left shoulder. "YOU MONSTER!" James exclaimed, starting to rush tow "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" Immediately James began to ran at the deer like warrior but Chipp grabbed the boy's shoulder preventing him from moving forward. "Let me at 'er!" James exclaimed, "SHE NEEDS TO PAY!" "You're next but you~first ! " Kaitres said song-like as she raised her sword over Scott's body suddenly she felt heavy. Dropping to her hands and knees, Kaitres exclaimed, "What the heck is this!" "Hey!" Beowulf said, walking into view, "I suggest you stay back!" Turning to the draken, Chipp exclaimed, "Beo! What are doing out here!?" "Getting your back!" Beowulf said, raising his gun, "Besides, your friend is in danger!" Suddenly, Beowulf shot Kaitres causing her to groan as she collapse completely. "She's alive!" Beowulf said, "Oh and you should pick up your friend."

