(*MEEP*= transitions) (Ready set GO! )
-WAAAAAAAYYYY before part NULL (2 years ago to be exact)-
-WAAAAAAAYYYY before part NULL (2 years ago to be exact)-
Chipp: "What the (censored) is this!? This is not the equipment we ordered!"
Delivery guy: "Look man, I'm sorry but the insisted we bring this to you immediately."
Chipp (lifting the taxidermy of a dodo): "But this is a dead bird! What are we doing to do with this!?"
Delivery guy: "Sorry man, I'm just the delivery guy, I don't decide these things. I'm sure it would come sometime tomorrow."
Chipp: "TOMORROW!?"
-LATER in the Breakroom-
Chase (coming in): "Hey Chipp, I- What the (censored) is that!?"
(Sitting on the shelf was the dodo. Chipp was sitting at the desk with a cup of coffee with a pad out.)
Chipp (sarcastically): "Our mascot."
-Takes place a year before Part NULL-
Tameron: "Target located! Ready the missile!"
Flip: "missile armed and ready!"
Tameron: "counting down: 3, 2, 1! Fi-!"
Chromdraco (approaching the two): "Flip, Tameron! What are you two doing!?"
(Lowering toy gun) Flip: "training?"
Chromdraco (cocking an eye): "Training?"
Tameron: "Y-yeah! Just going over- er scenarios? "
Chromdraco (Eyes narrowing,) "Where's Flaron and Rubban**"
(A hand is raised behind a pile of crates.)
Flaron (raises hand): "Over here!"
Bakore (from behind the crates): "Dang it woman! Don't give us away!"
-Three weeks before Part NULL-
Q: "(Come on!)"
(In the C.P.D.F. Sub HQ Breakroom Q was trying to get coffee maker to work. Once again Q pushes the button repeatably as he grew more annoyed)
Q: "(Shoot)!"
Scott (approaching the two): "Hey Sancho! Problems?"
Q :"(The stupid coffee maker is not working!)"
Scott (moving around to check the plug): "Is it hooked it?"
Q: "(YEEESSSS! I turned it off and on again!)"
(Scott opens the coffee maker's lid and pulls out the filter.)
Q: "(HEY!)"
Scott: "Huh, the filter looks alright. Did you use tap water?"
Q: "(YES! I did!)"
(Matt walks in and opens the fridge.)
Scott: "Well you must have done something..."
Q: "(ME!? I followed the instructions exactly!)"
Matt: "HEY pipe down! There's people who want to enjoy breakfast!"
Scott: "Sorry Matt, Q did something to the coffee maker."
Q: "(I didn't do anything!)"
Mark (leaning to see the coffee maker): "What the old one near the dodo? I wouldn't worry about it. Pat said it broke down last night so he's getting a new one after lunch today."
Scott: "Huh, well, Q at least it's not your fault."
Q: "(Oh shut up floppy ears!)"
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